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One in three are voting with their wallet following tax revelations

Millions of Britons are using consumer power to boycott companies seen to be avoiding their fair share of UK tax, new research reveals.

Direct sellers have just one week to settle tax bills

People who sell directly to customers and who haven't paid all the tax they owe have one week left to take part in an opportunity offered by HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) to get their tax affairs in order, on the best terms available.

Don’t get caught on the net by tax rebate phishing scam

Taxpayers reported almost 80,000 tax rebate phishing emails last year, HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) have revealed, as they warn people not to fall victim to the email scams sent by fraudsters.

The effects of IR35

In the United Kingdom, IR35 is a form of tax legislation that was created to tax workers who try to disguise their employment.

Tax tribunal case could spell bad news for holiday home owners

A Bristol tax specialist has warned that a judgement of the Upper Tax Tribunal could spell bad news for holiday home owners in relation to their Inheritance Tax (IHT) liabilities.

A record year for council tax debts

Figures released by debt advice charity the Money Advice Trust, show that its National Debtline service has seen a sharp long term trend in calls for help with council tax arrears.

Updated Tax app launched

Over 250,000 people have downloaded HM Revenue and Customs' tax calculator app which allows people to work out how much tax they pay and how the Government spends it.

Find ‘inner peace’ - do your tax return now

A new HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) advertising campaign is urging anyone who hasn't sent in their 2011-12 tax return to do it now - and find "inner peace".

Pensioners face a £111,416 tax bill in retirement

The average UK pensioner household faces a £111,400 tax bill in retirement as increasing longevity means pensioners are living on average up to 19 years past the age of 65, new analysis from MetLife shows.

Millions of children are missing out on tax-free savings

Junior ISAs (JISAs) are one year old in November. So far little interest has been shown in these tax-free savings accounts for children.

Over half of UK adults don't have a will, the professional advice website, has announced the launch of its annual ‘Write a Will Week', beginning on Monday, 22 October, in partnership with Octopus Investments ("Octopus").

Higher rate taxpayers plan to avoid child benefit income tax

A quarter (25 per cent) of higher rate taxpayers expecting to have their child benefit payments reduced due to new tax rules which come into force next year, may boost their pension contributions to avoid the tax. That's according to new independent research commissioned by Prudential.

Higher rate taxpayers reject £438 million in tax relief

One in four higher rate taxpayers do not contribute to pension schemes despite the attraction of tax relief to help boost their retirement savings, according to independent research from Prudential.

Why tax planning is vital for expats

British people moving abroad could be losing large amounts of money due to poor financial planning and being unaware of tax considerations that could save them money or even lead to reimbursements from HMRC.

Unclaimed income-related tax credits amount to £7.3bn's latest Tax Action Report reveals that unclaimed income-related tax credits are by far the largest area of unused tax allowances, resulting in £7.3 billion remaining unclaimed through people failing to make use of their child tax credits, working tax credits and pension credits.