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What is an employer seal and what advantages does it offer?

The shortage of skilled workers continues to be a major issue in Germany. Companies are thus continuously finding it more difficult to fill their vacancies with suitable personnel. The real top employees are also very quickly off the market for this reason.

Celebrating in a new way: The exciting world of interactive birthday greetings

Once upon a time, a birthday card was a birthday card, and a birthday present was a birthday present. They existed in the physical world, and as physical objects that would be given to a recipient… and that was about it. But this situation is changing fast.

How to design a romantic, elegant atmosphere for your wedding

Your wedding day is so important. Not only is it a celebration of your relationship, but it’s also one of the memories you want to look back on fondly. It’s a day to celebrate your love and commitment to each other, surrounded by family and friends.

8 things that will make life easier for your child with autism

It’s important for kids with autism to be adequately supported in every area of life, so here’s a breakdown of what they need to be happy and thrive.

3 ways to control your career

It can often feel as though your working life is something that you don’t have as much control over as you’d like. Knowing that you must work for a living can make the entire thing end up feeling more like an obligation, rather than something that you have any natural ambitions tied to.

Gifts to keep in mind for Christmas

There is no better time than Christmas. It is a time that allows you to give gifts to the people that you care about the most. As well as this, you are going to get to spend quality time with the people you might not get to see as much as you’d like.

What you should consider before getting engaged in this economy

Inflation has been taking the world by storm. As a result, our buying power has significantly decreased as the cost of goods has risen. Due to these rising costs, many may delay life altering choices or milestones in order to avoid some of the impacts of inflation.

What helps an entrepreneur become an investor - Marina Groenberg’s expert opinion

What helps an entrepreneur become an investor - Marina Groenberg’s expert opinion

Entrepreneurs who think about investing often reflect upon why they should invest in someone else's business, when they can develop their own instead. In this article, we explain why it pays to do this.

The one thing you should do to make your dog calmer on Bonfire Night

Experts at a leading dog training app have revealed the surprising thing that dog owners should do to help pooches prepare for Bonfire Night.

Boosting confidence in later life

Most of us suffer from a lack of confidence or self-esteem at some point during our lives. But as we get older, low confidence becomes more common. Once we retire, we can lose purpose.

Options to consider when planning a funeral

Planning a funeral is never an easy thing to do. There is a lot of emotion and sadness at this time, and it can make the process hard to bear. However, many people will have already expressed their wishes about how they want their funeral service to go, so hopefully it will be easier.

How to open a pharmacy: A guide for entrepreneurs

Branching away from a career with the NHS? If so, you’re not alone. With the cost-of-living crisis mounting pressure on health workers, at least 40,000 nurses have left the NHS in the past year in search of a better salary and improved work-life balance.

The 9 engagement ring trends you need to know for 2022

If you're in the market for an engagement ring this year, you'll want to be up to date on the latest trends. Here are 9 of the most popular engagement ring trends for 2022:

8 tips for creating a more impactful teambuilding event

Teambuilding events are ideal for promoting strong bonds between your employees, improving morale, and even giving your team members new skills and abilities. But if you want to make the most of these events, you need to plan appropriately.

5 ways to avoid arguments over inheritance when you die

5 ways to avoid arguments over inheritance when you die

Worried about your family arguing over their inheritance when you die? Here are five ways to prevent arguments after you’re gone…