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How to improve your casino gambling skills

Gambling can be an enjoyable hobby. However, as with most hobbies, there comes the point where you want to improve your skills. After a while, you will want to learn more to enjoy the best game possible.

Mobile gaming genres leading the way

Mobile gaming genres leading the way

Without doubt the most popular gaming platform in world right now is within mobile as it has attracted a much wider audience – particularly over this past year many different genres within mobile gaming have found a strong footing and have continued to grow too.

Which online casino game is statistically better?

Which online casino game is statistically better?

Comparing the products offered through online casino sites is like comparing apples and trampolines. They each have a different style of gameplay, appeal to a different audience, and suit a different mood. But if there was some statistical way in which to see which is better to play, which format of online gaming would come out on top?

Great games you can play on a video call

Great games you can play on a video call

Over the last year or so, we’ve all become a lot more familiar with video calling apps than we used to be. Whether using Zoom, Skype, FaceTime or any other option, making a live video connection from our laptop, desktop PC or mobile device has become the default way to stay in touch with friends, family and work colleagues.

The best game hosting servers review: Why do you need to read this article

The best game hosting servers review: Why do you need to read this article

You probably know that only VPS (Virtual Private Server) or dedicated server is suitable for games. Shared hosting won't handle the load and speed you need.

Adobe Flash may be dead, but browser gaming lives on

Adobe Flash became known for its security problems, inconvenient updates, and activation prompts. Still, despite the many aspects that led to its demise, the software will be fondly remembered by many.

Four online bingo themes we’re likely to see more of in 2021

Four online bingo themes we’re likely to see more of in 2021

Online bingo is increasingly popular. With more people than ever playing the game from their mobiles, tablets, and laptops, it has a total gross gambling yield of almost £200 million per annum.

8 team building activities your company can do post lockdown

Thanks to Corona and the multiple lockdowns, most of us are working from home, if at all. Cut off from seeing a variety of people on the daily, many are starting to forget how to properly interact with one another.

Let us know more about Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO)

CS:GO stands for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, is the worldwide popular game to bet on Esports. This is generally the game that Esports bookies offer the most odds on. This requires a registration process and selection of the best site to bet on.

These games will help train your brain

These games will help train your brain

Self-improvement is a hot topic these days. Everyone wants to live as the improved version of themselves, and naturally, this leads them to “brain training.” This is where you regularly participate in activities that are geared towards improving your overall cognitive abilities.

5 games that match your gaming style

5 games that match your gaming style

The advent of the internet has dramatically changed many industries, and the gaming industry is no exception. Today, thanks to the internet and modern tech innovations, we get to choose from a vast library of games, with seemingly limitless options.

Technology and its impact on the growth of the gaming industry

Technology and its impact on the growth of the gaming industry

The gaming industry is now one of the fastest growing industries in the world. Yes, you heard that correctly and it really has been a remarkable rise for the sector. 2020 has been such a difficult year for so many world-wide but gaming has certainly been one of the few, who have profited.

From game show originals to casino adaptations, music has always been key to building excitement

From game show originals to casino adaptations, music has always been key to building excitement

Game shows are often hailed as magical television experiences, especially thanks to the settings and the music. In both days gone by and in today’s world, the mystique of these shows has often been a key part of their success, with a vital element of that being the music they use.

Why more people are starting to gamble online

The internet changed our lives forever. Some argue if it is really for the good or not, but there can be no denying that it has changed a lot of the things we do in more ways than we can have imagined.

The growing salaries of esports

The growing salaries of esports

The landscape around professional gaming has been changing in recent years – just a decade ago many players were playing for small amounts of prize money and sponsorship often without the promise of any financial commitment from an organisation.