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Nature's answer to winter's aches and pains

14th October 2014 Print

As the cold weather sets in so to do joint aches, pains and stiffness. Studies have shown however that we might be able to find relief from these winter ailments in the form of a simple hedgerow fruit.

Studies have shown that rosehip extracts may have a natural ability to help reduce joint pain. Research carried out by the University of Melbourne over a three month period found that, amongst nearly 300 patients with osteoarthritis, those who took a rosehip extract were twice as likely to see a reduction in pain against the WOMAC index (a scale which assesses pain, stiffness and physical function and includes walking and using stairs, pain when you wake and later in the day, household chores, shopping and even taking your socks off), when compared to those who took a placebo. 

The results suggest Rosehips may offer a first line treatment to conditions like osteoarthritis and will come as much relief for those who suffer during the winter months.

The best way to benefit from Rose Hip

Belle+ is a range of rosehip syrups that have been specially formulated for women, with either added Iron, Omega 3 or Vitamin D. 

The same company who produce Belle+ also produce, award winning, Phytacol skincare products, which also contain rosehip extracts and can be applied directly to the skin.

For more details, visit