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How to cut costs on back to school equipment

22nd September 2015 Print

If you are currently trying to get organised for the big back to school rush, chances are you have already worried about the rising cost of school supplies. When you consider all of the equipment that you need to find before that dreaded September day, the costs can easily escalate, which is why it's important to become a savvy school shopper. We have put together an easy to follow guide on cutting down your costs and finding the best bargains for school supplies, whether you are looking to bulk buy pencils or find the best price for a college laptop, we have it covered.

1. Perform a stocktake

Many people forget that their homes are typically storing a lot of the equipment you need for the back to school season. Those absent-minded purchases throughout the year can often stack up, leaving you with packs of pens, pads and other essentials that you can tick off your list. By going around your home first, you can cut costs and reuse items that you didn't know you had.

2. Shop online

Did you know that you can find pretty much everything you need for the school start date, without even leaving your home? The internet has revolutionised how we shop and with sites such as My Voucher Codes, you can easily find discount offers for some of the biggest school supplies retailers around. Online vouchers and discounts are the perfect way to cut down your school costs, however choosing to browse sites such as eBay can also help. With so many parents trying to find bargains, it is likely that someone is selling the items that you need at very reasonable prices.

3. Make a definitive list

Although most schools offer shopping lists for the equipment that your child will need as they start the new term, some don't, leaving parents struggling to get everything they need. If you have not got a list of supplies, don't be afraid to contact the school for advice. This will also ensure that you don't have to spend extra money on items that you really do not need, especially when it comes to art supplies or other seasonal equipment.

4. Shop smart all year round

Knowing where to shop is just the start, if you want to really save money it is best to know when to shop. Savvy school shoppers start their bargain hunt as soon as they can to take advantage of seasonal sales and discounts. As we go into the autumn season, take a look for summer clothing that is discounted in the sales, you might find that you will save money for next year. Supplies such as stationary are also heavily discounted just after the back to school season, make sure you stock up when you see the sale signs!

5. Stay social

Just as you can find great discounts when you look online, you can also find exclusive offers on your social media pages. Follow all of your favourite retailers to ensure that you do not miss out on any bargains. Most retailers will offer discounts for social shares or likes, keep an eye out for competitions to win school supplies, you really do have to be in it to win it.

With these top school shopping tips, you should be able to plan your shopping trips to military precision. Why spend more than you have to this year? Whether you opt to shop online, hit the high street or comb your house for the supplies you need, you're now prepared with the tools you need to be a savvy shopper.

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