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How to Create a Comfortable and Productive Work-from-Home Space

27th February 2024 Print

Working from home (or remote working) has become the new normal for many people, particularly in the wake of the pandemic. While there are, of course, many benefits to working from home, such as flexibility, convenience and the lack of commuting, there are also some challenges to consider, such as distractions, isolation, and lack of motivation. That’s why it’s important to create a work-from-home space that allows you to be comfortable and productive, while also reflecting your personality and style.

Choose the Right Space

Ideally, a home office is going to work best in a space that is separate from the rest of your home, where you can focus on your work without interruptions and feel a physical separation between your work and home life. You also want a space that has enough room to set up your equipment and a space that is far enough away from any particularly noisy rooms in your house, such as the kitchen, the living room, or the kids’ room. 

If you don’t have a room that fits the bill you have two options – find a corner of a larger room or rent out a room in another location nearby. If you live in a city centre, meanwhile, you might want to look into co-working spaces, as these solutions offer many of the benefits of traditional office life with few of the drawbacks.

Prioritise Your Health

When creating your work from home space, it’s essential to make sure that your physical health is catered for properly because when you’re spending hours a day sitting behind a desk and gazing at a laptop screen, there are always going to be health drawbacks. This means using ergonomic furniture and accessories that support your posture, reduce your eye strain, and prevent any injuries or pains. 

You can also do lots of little things like using a monitor riser to elevate your screen to eye level, so that you don’t have to tilt your head or neck to look at it. Roshni Patel, an expert optometrist at Lenstore warns: “Too much screentime can have an impact on our eyes. The reduced amount of blinking can cause our eyes to dry out and become tired quicker. It's best to take regular breaks to look at things that are further away - a great approach is the 20-20-20 rule. Every 20 minutes, take 20 seconds to look at something 20 feet or more away. Small changes like this, as well as ensuring your sitting position is comfortable and not too close to your screen, can really make a difference to your eye health.” 

Organise and Personalise Your Space

Finally, ensure you add ample storage and organisers to your space to keep it clean and tidy. Having a cluttered and messy space can affect your productivity, creativity, and mood, as well as make it harder to find what you need. You can use everything from shelves, drawers, and cabinets for file storage to hooks, racks and pegboards to hang your headphones, cables, chargers, and other items.

Don’t forget to personalise your office space either and make it feel like it’s truly yours. Adding some personal touches can make it more comfortable, enjoyable, and inspiring, as well as reflect your personality and style. Think personal photos, posters of your favourite bands or films and a little greenery to make it feel less like an office and more like a home work space.