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Don’t let fraud drive you crackers this Christmas

13th December 2006 Print
Christmas may be a time of giving, but that doesn’t mean you need to give your identity to fraudsters, advises. Increased spending, socialising and travelling during the festive season means that people’s guards are down and the opportunities for thieves to steal their identities are increased.

CreditExpert has identified the riskiest aspects of the festive season and the Top Do’s and Don’ts when it comes to protecting your identity this Christmas:

1. Don’t let anybody see your PIN when you’re using a cash machine – It’s easy to get absorbed in Christmas shopping, but don’t become so focused that you forget to notice a shoulder surfer noting down your PIN number. Check the machine itself carefully too – thieves can position devices that copy or eat your card.

2. Don’t lose sight of your credit card when you’re paying – When eating out at Christmas, don’t let the waiter take your card away, even for a short period; ask for the card processor to be brought to your table or pay on the way out so that your account details cannot be copied – you don’t want a thief to enjoy a merry Christmas at your expense.

3. Don’t leave your rubbish unattended – Make sure your rubbish bags aren’t seen as Santa’s present sacks by thieves. During the festive period, rubbish collection times will vary, so shred any sensitive information and make sure your rubbish isn’t sitting outside for longer than it has to.

4. Don’t ignore it if your usual Christmas cards don’t arrive – Communal halls in flats offer the perfect opportunity for people to intercept or redirect your mail and if you’ve moved home recently, your cards might be opened by the new occupant at your old address. Also, visiting family or taking a holiday can mean post is left unopened and unchecked, or even worse – hanging out of the letterbox. To a fraudster this is an invitation to harvest your personal details.

5. Do be careful when sending cheques – We all love receiving money in the post, but beware when sending cheques to friends and family. They not only contain your name and bank account details, but also your signature; if a fraudster intercepts your cheque in the post, you can wave goodbye to a Happy New Year.

6. Don’t forget your normal financial routine – Even though you might be travelling away from home or feeling more relaxed during the Christmas period, still take the time to check your bank statements and other important documents such as your credit report to ensure you haven’t fallen victim to identity thieves.

7. And finally, do watch the eggnog! – Increased alcohol consumption during the party season might make you less vigilant about protecting your personal property. Remember that not everybody in a bar, restaurant or club may be totally honest, so don’t leave your belongings unattended and don’t give away any personal information. You could lose more than your taxi fare home.

To help people protect their identities this Christmas, CreditExpert has also outlined its Staying Ahead of the Fraudsters Top Tips:

Tell your bank, lenders and the police if your wallet or bag is stolen – They will stop anybody else using your accounts, get you emergency access to the cash you’ll need and help to track down the criminals before they have a chance to trash your credit rating or clear out your bank account.

Go through your bank and card statements carefully –You may not know that your identity has been compromised until you see transactions you don’t recognise on your statements. Tell the relevant lender or bank immediately and let them know that you are worried your identity has been stolen.

Shred sensitive documents and receipts before binning them – It’s tempting to throw away piles of papers as you tidy up – but shred anything with personal information, even items with just your name and address on, before reaching for the bin.

Be careful with your post – Intercepting the mail is a favourite trick of fraudsters, who can get loan and card offers this way, as well as all the personal details they need to make a successful application. Catalogues you’ve previously used, giving your account details, are another favourite way to use your identity to steal from the company concerned.
Always tell the Post Office if you aren’t receiving the post you expect and redirect your mail for at least a year when you move house.

Check your credit report regularly – This is part of your ‘financial CV’, listing your past and present credit commitments and repayment history (including cards, loans and mortgages). Lenders look at your credit report when you apply for credit so if you check your report regularly, you can easily see if somebody is impersonating you and trying to borrow money in your name.

Ask for help – CreditExpert can help you set the record straight if you become a victim of identity fraud. They will put you in touch with Experian’s Victims of Fraud team of specialists, who have already supported thousands of people through the long and stressful process of sorting out the muddle left by an identity fraudster.

Jim Hodgkins, Managing Director at, says: “During the festive season most of us spend and borrow more than normal so it’s especially important to monitor our finances. With just a few personal details, identity fraudsters can steal your identity and wreak havoc on your credit rating, making your Merry Christmas more of a nightmare.

“It’s vital for people to check their credit report to ensure they have not fallen victim to identity fraud. A bad credit rating can make the difference between being offered a loan or not. An online monitoring service such as CreditExpert is a simple way to keep on top of your credit history – and will alert you to any major changes on your Experian credit report, which is good protection against identity theft.”