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TrekAmerica unveils a new look

11th June 2010 Print

TrekAmerica, the adventure travel operator specialising in small group tours in North America, have had a major revamp after nearly four decades.
The new American cool logo and design encompass the stars and stripes of the American flag and are already incorporated in TrekAmerica’s new website and brochure.
Staying true to the core values of ‘fun, freedom and flexibility’, TrekAmerica's distinctive style of travel offers something different to the ordinary guided tour or package holiday.
TrekAmerica’s managing director Sam Cox has said:
“TrekAmerica is an iconic travel brand that has specialised in small groups adventures to the Americas for over 37 years. We felt it was important to update the brand with a new, exciting “American cool” look and feel, to keep our youth target market engaged. The rebrand presented a fantastic opportunity to highlight the core values of TrekAmerica – fun, freedom and flexibility on the ultimate American road trip, with a new brochure, website and launch of our own social media platform”

Travellers can have the great American road trip experience of their choice with TrekAmerica: all itineraries visit some of America’s most iconic highlights, from Grand Canyon and Monument Valley to Las Vegas, Hollywood and much more.
Trips range from three days to 64 days in length and include an experienced TrekAmerica tour leader.
For more information on TrekAmerica’s trips and for reservations, visit: