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Girls, get your glasses on for Valentine’s Day – Specs are sexy!

3rd February 2011 Print
Specs are sexy

Far from being a turn-off, girls who wear glasses are more likely to stoke up a steamy session with the man of their dreams, according to research by online glasses retailer

The overwhelming majority – 92.7% - of men questioned said they find women who wear glasses sexy, proving that specs aren’t the barrier to passion, as so commonly perceived.

And - not surprisingly - the “sexy librarian/school mistress/secretary in glasses” image remains a firm fantasy-fueller with over 80% agreeing that the look floats their boat.

Four eyes are also better than two for women with over 70% saying they would be more attracted to a man if he’s wearing glasses because he looks friendly, sophisticated and intelligent.

“On a day when everyone seems to be thinking of love and romance, this news should boost the confidence of anyone who feels self-conscious about wearing glasses,” says’s registered dispensing optician Tony Russell. “Although they are in the minority, our research indicates that many people still think they look less attractive to the opposite sex if they wear glasses – if only they knew!”

Women were less confident about their appeal to men whilst wearing glasses with nearly 40% believing it made them less attractive and nearly 35% saying they would go without glasses to make themselves more desirable. Men, on the other hand, were more at ease with only a quarter rating their chances of success as higher if they didn’t wear specs.

“Since glasses have become a fashion accessory, with practically every design house having their own range of frames, wearing specs is no longer so closely associated with being a geek or a plain Jane,” says Tony. “I’d like to think that the day will come when everyone wears their glasses with confidence and flair because that will mean they are also looking after the health of their eyes.” sells the best value prescription glasses to be found on the high street and elsewhere online. All prices include frames, lenses and all three protective coatings - there are no hidden extras. offers a growing range of designer eyewear – currently 115 – including names such as Oakley, Persol, Jimmy Choo and Bottega Veneta, with prices starting as low as £46 for complete glasses. The six own brand ranges offer a choice of 180 frames from just £6 in the Value range up to £75 for memory titanium from the Platinum range with a host of stylish, trendy and classic frames in between.

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Specs are sexy