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How UK parents are saving stay-at-home kids £17.1bn

Young adults age 18-34 living with their parents are saving themselves a staggering £17.1bn a year in rent and living costs, according to research conducted on behalf of budgeting account provider

Quit smoking in ‘Stoptober’ to feel healthier and wealthier

Stoptober 2014 is in full swing and analysis from MoneySuperMarket reveals smokers who take up the challenge to kick the habit will benefit from healthier bodies and bank balances.

Lloyds Bank increases fixed savings rates

Lloyds Bank is increasing rates on a selection of fixed savings accounts. Accounts benefitting from a boost in their rate include:

Pocket money boosts money management skills in adulthood

Children who receive pocket money are more likely to develop strong financial planning skills in later life and are much less likely to be in debt, according to a pan European study of more than 12,000 consumers across Europe.

A quarter of UK consumers have no ‘rainy day’ savings

Brits estimate that they should have £1,200 put aside for emergencies but 59% have less than £1,000 saved up.

The UK’s top 25 money saving tips revealed

Discount vouchers, coupons and apps top the list of the nation’s favourite money saving tips, with half of UK adults using them to cut the cost of goods and services.

Post Office launches competitive range for UK savers

Post Office is to launch a number of savings products with new, improved rates across the majority of its range. The revision includes new issues of its Online Saver, Reward Saver, Growth Bonds, Online Bonds, and Cash ISAs. The new issues are available to customers from Friday 12th September 2014.

Saga variable rate savings account paying 1.50%

Saga Savings has announced the issue of the new Saga Telephone Saver Account (Issue 14), rewarding savers who deposit a minimum balance of £1,000 up to £1m with an attractive 1.50%% gross / AER variable rate interest paid annually.

Skipton increases rates on fixed rate bonds and e-bonds

Skipton Building Society has launched a new range of Fixed Rate ISAs and Bonds and E-Bonds with interest rates increasing by up to 0.25%.

Savers leave it late to boost funds for retirement

Savers are leaving it until their mid-50s before they boost their savings reserves – just as they close in on retirement – according to latest research by the Halifax.

Bilingual Brits driving a hard bargain abroad

When it comes to haggling abroad, if you don’t ‘interroger’ you don’t ‘obtenir’ – as Brits who are willing to give bilingual bargaining a go save an average of £345.25 on their trip.

West Brom offers 3.00% interest on fixed rate savings

Savers can earn a competitive rate of interest by investing in a new five year bond from the West Brom.

Brits shun savings accounts for DIY saving

An estimated £1.3bn of loose change is sitting in coin jars across the country, according to new research, as 10 million more UK adults save money in a coin jar than in a bank or building society savings account.

UK household savings rise by 500% in the last 40 years

The value of household savings – including deposits, savings and pensions – has grown more than six fold (539%) in real terms over the past 40 years, according to latest research from Lloyds Bank.

Brits wasting almost £1,200 a year which they know could be avoided

Over half of Brits (53%) feel they are wasting money each month, according to online research from Standard Life by YouGov Plc.