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West Yorkshire

Fantastic family home open weekend offers family portrait opportunity

Fantastic family home open weekend offers family portrait opportunity

The latest show home from popular housebuilder Miller Homes, is due to be unveiled at a special open weekend on 24th and 25th March, at its Grace development located on the edge of rolling countryside and the village of Thornton, Bradford.

New homes now on sale in Guiseley

New homes now on sale in Guiseley

The first home at Branwell Park in Guiseley sold during the launch weekend and Redrow is hoping to build on the development’s initial success.

City style pad in the country thanks to Miller Homes

City style pad in the country thanks to Miller Homes

Apartment style living is often more associated with city crash pads, but one housebuilder has realised that the appeal of apartment life in the country has a certain draw.

From choosing to moving - In just 29 days with Miller Homes

From choosing to moving - In just 29 days with Miller Homes

Easy, straightforward house buying is top of many people’s agenda when they look for a new home but one local housebuilder shows just how little time it really can take!

Family receives perfect property package in Leeds

Family receives perfect property package in Leeds

When Kordian Kochowicz and his family needed to buy a home in Leeds help was at hand from the Government and a local housebuilder.

New homes give a nod to Guiseley’s past

New homes give a nod to Guiseley’s past

Redrow is honouring the mother of the Bronte sisters, by naming its latest venture in West Yorkshire in her memory.

First time buyers feel the benefit of deals as deposits hit record high

First time buyers feel the benefit of deals as deposits hit record high

Getting on to the housing ladder has always been tough. And a lack of mortgage lending and high deposit requirements are making it trickier than ever for young people especially to find a home.

Make sure your dreams come true this Christmas

Make sure your dreams come true this Christmas

If a brand new home is top of your Christmas ‘wish list’ this year, why not bypass Santa and look towards the Government and award winning housebuilder Miller Homes to make your Christmas dreams come true.

Could you pay less for city living?

Could you pay less for city living?

Living in the midst of a cosmopolitan city is the dream of many, but with costly rent and service charges, living the city dream can prove to be a little expensive.

Stunning view home offers glimpse of luxury living at The Gateway

Stunning view home offers glimpse of luxury living at The Gateway

Prospective purchasers can enjoy a close-up look at The Gateway development as a new view home has opened.

Mortgage costs less than journey to work for one Yorkshire resident

Mortgage costs less than journey to work for one Yorkshire resident

You would imagine that with statistics showing two-thirds of young people believe they have no prospect of getting on the property ladder, it would discourage many graduates from even looking at buying their own home. Not so in the case of one young Wakefield professional.

Stay warm with Redrow without worrying about fuel bills

Stay warm with Redrow without worrying about fuel bills

When it comes to staying warm without getting hot under the collar about fuel bills, there’s never been a better time to buy a brand new home in Halifax.

Part exchange helps Bradford development buck the trend

Part exchange helps Bradford development buck the trend

A combination of fantastic family homes and a lucrative part exchange programme is helping a Bradford housing development buck the national trend to enjoy new sales success.

Homebuying at Eden delights buyer one year on

Homebuying at Eden delights buyer one year on

Still going strong one year on, Taylor Wimpey Yorkshire’s development, Eden has put a permanent smile on the faces of many buyers, including Claire Beaumont.

Chance to buy fantastic family home

Chance to buy fantastic family home

‘FirstBuy’, the latest initiative from the Government introduced to help prospective home owners purchase a property is already proving popular with both first time buyers and families.