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SocialSafe now exports and backs up Instagram photos

26th April 2012 Print

SocialSafe has just added Instagram to the list of social networks it backs up to its users computers.

In the wake of Facebook's purchase of Instagram, many Instagram users have been looking for ways to export their photos and even delete their accounts. SocialSafe Pro now makes the downloading of a user's Instagram photos incredibly simple. A quick authorisation and click of the sync button starts the download process. Once downloaded, all photos, complete with friends’ Likes and Comments, are stored safely on the user's computer and are available to view within SocialSafe. Over the next few weeks there will be tighter integration with Instagram, including adding shots to a user’s timeline, keyword search and greater export options.

Julian Ranger of SocialSafe said, "This purchase is great news for Instagram and hopefully for its users too. We were about to start coding the integration into SocialSafe, but the mixed feelings shared by many of Instagram's users pushed us to release a viable solution that could quickly assist those that wanted to back up their data straight away. Whether an Instagram user intends remaining with the service or not, SocialSafe will provide a great way to preserve and enjoy the content that users have built up and also integrate that with their other social network data from Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn and more."

SocialSafe is a social network back up and archive tool for Mac and PC. SocialSafe Pro is just $6.99 and enables users to back up and export their Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Viadeo and now Instagram accounts. Backed up data is presented as a journal and discoverable through search, calendar and data type.