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Slimsticks launching at Boots

7th December 2012 Print

Turbo-boost your diet with EFSA-approved Slimsticks, launching at Boots nationwide. These powder sachets are mixed with warm water to form vanilla, strawberry or malt flavoured drinks. The main active ingredient is Slimjac, a blend of Konjac, palm oil and oat oil.

Within minutes of taking Slimsticks, Konjac expands in your stomach to make you feel full. This natural source of soft fibre will regulate your blood sugar. Three hours later, the fine droplets of palm oil and oat oil get to work, suppressing hunger signals and stopping you from snacking. 

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) says that Konjac, the main ingredient in Slimjac, is proven to help with fat loss and fullness. Slimsticks is designed to turbo boost a calorie-controlled diet and an active lifestyle.

Franco Beer, managing director of Inovate Health, says: "With Slimsticks, you can eat what you like. You'll just feel like eating much less,  boosting fat loss minus the crippling hunger pangs."

Take one sachet of Slimsticks three times a day up to one hour before eating, by adding the powder in the sachet to 50 to 100ml of warm water and then stirring, knocking it back and following with one more glass of warm water. It takes one litre of water to hydrate one gram of Konjac, so drink plenty.

Slimsticks is being launched at a watershed time in the world of slimming supplements and aids sold across Europe. This is because from December 14 this year new guidelines from the EFSA come into force. After this date products carrying dubious and unproven slimming claims, not been approved by EFSA will be withdrawn from the market.

Slimsticks has no adverse side effects. Vegans, vegetarians and those suffering from lactose or wheat intolerance, type two Diabetes and Coeliac Disease are safe to take Slimsticks.

For more information, visit

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