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Your new best gym buddy

12th December 2012 Print
NB Green Tea

Forget about the protein shakes, isotonic drinks and energy bars in 2013, as a recent human study on green tea suggests the popular drink could actually be your new best gym buddy when it comes to getting the most from your workout.

The study, which was published this month in the Journal of Food Medicine, looked at the weight loss and training benefits of green tea when combined with exercise in women.

Whilst there have been a number of studies looking at green tea and weight loss there have been few in humans and even less looking at the effect of the drink when combined with exercise. The new study however was a thorough human study that took place over a three month period, using a double-blind and placebo-controlled method that saw 36 overweight women split into 4 groups (group 1 (green tea), group 2 (placebo), group 3 (green tea and resistance training) and group 4 (placebo and resistance training)), and the effects of green tea consumption when combined with resistance training were measured against weight loss.

The resting metabolic rate (a measure of how quickly the body burns energy) and body composition, including body fat and waist circumference, of the women were taken throughout the study. As you’d expect, group 2, who weren’t drinking the tea or doing the training, didn’t see any changes, but all the other groups did. The most exciting results however came from the green tea and training group, group 3, who saw significant increases in their resting metabolic rate, lean body mass, and muscle strength, and significant decreases in body fat, triglycerides, and waist circumference when compared to group 4, who were training without the green tea.

The researchers concluded that combining green tea with resistance training helps with “decreasing body fat, waist circumference, and triacylglyceride levels and by increasing lean body mass and muscle strength”

In real terms what this equates to is – If you want to get more out of your training and lose more weight from your work out sessions in 2013 get on the green tea!

Which Green Tea?

Natur Boutique’s exciting green tea blend has been specifically created to harness the weight loss benefits of green tea in the tastiest and healthiest way possible.

The blend combines green tea with the rare and exotic Java tea (Orthosiphon stamineus), which is a powerful antioxidant 2, 3, and therefore aids the body with removal of unwanted waste molecules, helping you lose weight safely.

The blend also contains Liquorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) offering a diet friendly sweetness to the tea.

So if you want to add Green Tea to your New Year diet, simply visit, where the Diet Green Tea Blend cost’s just £2.99, or ask at your local health store about Natur Boutique teas.

Pregnant and breast feeding women or those with high blood pressure should consult a doctor before using liquorice products.

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NB Green Tea