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Brummies most committed to getting healthy in 2013

1st January 2013 Print

The people of Birmingham are most committed to self-improvement, according to online voucher and daily deal specialist

Following the excess of Christmas, Brummies' list of New Year's resolutions are most likely to include a detox, joining the gym and giving up smoking.

The money-saving website says detoxing kits are popular with residents of Birmingham and Newcastle, but not with Londoners, and it's women aged between 36 and 40 who are feeling the biggest need to purge.

Birmingham and Sheffield are making the greatest effort to stop smoking, with electronic cigarettes proving popular, and across the UK more women than men trying to give up.

Brummies will also be hitting the gym to get trim this January, spending more money on gym memberships and diets than any other city. It's Londoners however that spend the most on sports nutritional supplements.

The people of Chelmsford, Edinburgh, Glasgow and Newcastle are most likely to take the easy route to the body beautiful, spending the greatest amount on surgical deals. The people of Warrington however are happy just the way they are, spending the least.

Women in their late 50s are forking out more for surgical procedures than any other age group, but younger men aged between 26 and 30 are not far behind.

According to the analysis by, Northern Ireland and Wales are the least concerned about their appearance, spending the smallest amount on health and beauty products. The biggest spenders are in East Anglia, with teeth whitening and corsets topping the list of popular purchases.

"There is huge demand for money-saving deals on health and beauty items, which just goes to show how savvy consumers have become. Vouchers are no longer the domain of supermarkets and shoppers know that there are discounts to be had on just about every purchase," says Gerard Doyle, CEO of

"Whether you're joining a gym or buying some new trainers, if you're looking to get fit in the New Year it's worth checking out the vouchers and deals available," continues Doyle.