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New solutions - Scottish health and diet

9th February 2013 Print
Eat Balanced Nutritional Pizza

Scotland’s reputation for having the poorest eating habits in the UK has been confirmed as new research reveals that a third of Brits (33%) say Scotland is the unhealthiest nation– and it seems Scots agree with them.

At this time of year many people are taking the opportunity to lose weight and cut out fast food. However one in seven Brits believe Scots are the least likely to be able to stick to a diet at this time of year.

Amongst the famous foods which Scots traditionally like to eat, pizza has been identified as one which won’t help the waistline, with a third (31%) believing it’s not possible to eat it and still maintain a balanced diet.

Professor Mike Lean, head of nutrition at Glasgow University said “Scotland has one of the poorest health records in the world. The reasons are complicated but they include the fact that our average diet falls short on a number of scores.

“As a nation we do not have the best balance of vitamins and minerals. If we can improve our balance of nutrients then we reduce risks of heart disease, cancers, diabetes and a whole host of other medical problems.”

Scottish company, Eat Balanced, is looking to repair the reputation of those North of the border, whilst convincing us it’s possible to eat pizza, without compromising a balanced lifestyle.

Donnie Maclean, founder of Eat Balanced said “Most pizzas are too high in saturated fat and salt, too low in fibre and all the vitamins and minerals.

“We’ve looked at all the nutrients in accordance to the guideline daily amounts and we’ve created a pizza that satisfies everything. 30% of everything you need is in one of our pizzas.”

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Eat Balanced Nutritional Pizza