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Adam provisionally crowned double Cupra Champion

23rd September 2008 Print
The final race at Brands Hatch was the 100th and final race in the six year history of the SEAT Cupra Championship. Starting in 2003, 78 drivers have contested the series and it has produced Champions Rob Huff (2003), James Pickford (2004), Tom Boardman (2005), Mat Jackson (2006) and Jonathan Adam - the latter provisionally becoming the only double Champion, having won the title in 2007.

Adam (Total Control Racing) proved in the final round of the 2008 SEAT Cupra Championship that second was indeed the best, as crossing the line behind Martin Byford (AB Glass/Z Speed Racing) was enough to hand him the title of provisional Champion.

Byford had been the man to beat all weekend after stunning displays from 2nd place on the grid to secure an immaculate double victory and a 3rd place in the Championship overall, but Adam kept his cool to ensure he did enough to outscore the long-time Championship leader Robert Lawson (Bardon/JHR). Lawson just had the upper hand after the first race, finishing a place ahead of Adam, but in the second race he couldn't get further than his 4th place starting position, seeing Daniel Welch (Marriott/Welch Motorsport) between him and his title rival in 2nd , while fending off the attentions of Carl Breeze (Blue Chip/Welch Motorsport) behind him. It was tough justice that Lawson, who had been so dominant in the early stages of the year, couldn't finish the season on the podium, but despite that small set back the fact that he ran the reigning Champion so close in his rookie year can't fail to impress.

In fact there were impressive displays from drivers throughout the grid, not only in these last two rounds but over the entire season. Brands Hatch certainly showed how quick both Byford and Welch can be when their car's are on form, while Breeze, who has been plagued with issues this season, has done brilliantly to still manage a 4th place Championship finish. The young talents of drivers like Andrew Herron (Brian Herron Plant/JHR), Freddy Nordström ( Motorsport), James Appleby (Hardinge Machine Tools), Jamie Ackers (Total Control Racing) and Daniel Rowbottom (DRM M-sport) may not have had a chance to really shine with podium finishes at Brands Hatch (although the last two drivers picked up extra Championship points for most places gained during the races), yet they have all shown massive improvements over the year and flashes of brilliance behind the wheel of a car that was completely new to all of them this season. Even though they won't be able to capitalise on this next year in this Championship, they are bound to be stars of the future.

Likewise, Jeremy Gumbley ( Motorsport), David Green (Daniels Motorsport), David Nye (Daniels Motorsport) and Steve Mitchell (JP Motorsport) have also shown some impressive ability and improvements this year, and are sure to be front-runners in whatever other series they may join, but the real stars of the 2008 SEAT Cupra Championship have to be Adam and Lawson. Between them they have notched up 15 wins from 20 races, with only Breeze and Byford from the rest getting a taste of victory. Lawson's ability with a new car from the off and Adam's fight back from way back in the points standings have made the 2008 SEAT Cupra Championship one to remember, and taking the title right down to the wire was a fitting end to a Championship that has excited crowds around the UK for the last six years.

Jonathan Adam: "The first race was the hardest coming off P4. In race two I had a poor start. Martin drove extremely well, they'd obviously hooked the car up this weekend and he just didn't make a mistake. As far as the title goes, this year was hard going, at one point we had just about given up on the Championship. But credit to the team, they pulled it around, and I think winning this year we turned more heads than last year. It's been a fantastic three years with the Championship and it'll leave a big hole when it's gone."

Robert Lawson: "To be honest, from our expectations at the beginning, we've done an excellent job. The team have done really well and it's only my third year of racing and in a new car for both me and JHR. I think we've done really well to even put a challenge up. Our learning curve this year has been huge, a bit like Martin's, but it's been excellent. It's been a fantastic Championship to be involved in."

Martin Byford: "In the last race I really had to concentrate on being quick on the two straights to ensure he (Adam) couldn't have a go at me. At some circuits this year we have underperformed, but today we proved that a small family-run team who don't do this professionally, when we're on form, we're difficult to deal with. And I finished 3rd in the Championship and get to test a touring car…how fantastic is that!"

Andrew Herron: "I found it really hard to motivate myself this weekend as only John and Rob had anything to race for really. It's only my second year racing and my first year in this car. At the beginning I had to learn the car but since then I've had about six podiums with seconds and thirds. Close but no cigar! I was looking forward to coming back next year as I really thought I could have had a go at winning it."

Daniel Rowbottom: "From the resources in time and money we've been able to put into this, all things considered, we've done really well. It's only me, my dad, Ben and Les so sixth in the Championship isn't bad for the first year. Hopefully what's happened with the Championship now will push us onto even bigger and better things."

James Appleby: "It's been good to be honest. I had no racing experience before this year and I think I surprised some people with my pace. Would have liked a podium at Silverstone as I had the pace before I spun. I've become a lot tighter and smoother over the year and I want to move on now."