Gadgets from CES 2017 make travel easier, or at least techier
CES 2017 has come and gone. When it comes to electronics shows, conventions, and expos, CES is in the pole position every year and is the biggest of its kind. It sets both the pace and the tone for the entire year of tech.
Despite this prestigious position, CES is equally known for hyping trends that never come to pass, and interesting gadgets that never ship. It is the vanguard of what is possible in tech. But all too often with CES, possibility and probability never meet.
It is not enough to prowl the show floor for interesting gadgets. The intrepid reporter must also identify those products and trends that are likely to ship, and in a timely manner. That is particularly important to the traveler. Spring is the first big travel season of the year. And it is just around the corner. Here’s a look at some of the new tech that just might make it into your carry-on this year:
Internet of Home Security
Whatever you think about the internet of things (IoT), it is here to stay, and will get even more pervasive as time goes by. Light bulbs and toasters are just the tip of the iceberg. Even large appliances like refrigerators and washing machines have an IP address and an app.
Home security systems are the latest entrant into the IoT arena. For several years, we have had baby monitors, interior and exterior cameras, and security lights connected to the internet. We even have door bells and door locks that can be operated from anywhere in the world.
It only makes sense that more conventional home security providers would want a piece of the smart home technology action. The latest smart home tech includes alarm systems and remote entry that allows for more flexibility and notification while you are away on vacation.
Travel tech has to include keeping things safe and secure at home while you are away. It also allows for packages to be placed in your house by delivery people instead of being left on the porch. If you left for the airport without closing the garage door, this tech will notify you, and allow you to do something about it without having to miss your flight. If you want to be a smarter traveler, you will need a smarter home.
Electronic Travel Documents
If you are a global traveler who tends to stay in other countries for more than a few days, you are going to need a visa. Applying for that documentation electronically with your smartphone can make the process exponentially easier. A relatively new app called VisaPort enables you to do just that.
There are over 15,000 visa types from over 34,000 embassies and outposts. That is an awful lot of complexity to wade through. The typical visa application process is anything but straightforward. An app like this can make all the difference.
There are other kinds of travel documents like airline tickets and boarding passes that can also be the bane of a traveler’s existence. Apps like TripIt and TripCase can keep track of all of your ticketing, boarding, hotels, and car rentals. Today, losing a multi-thousand dollar plane ticket is not the disaster it used to be. When your travel documents are electronic, life is easier for everyone.
Tech for Customizing Your Cruise
If you travel by sea, or if the sea is your destination, CES did not leave you high and dry. Ocean Medallion is a new charm for Carnival Cruises that do for that line what the WOW Bands do for Royal Caribbean and the electronic bracelets do for Disney parks and resorts. The difference is that the tokens from Carnival do a whole lot more.
This travel-related gadget introduced at CES will allow you to pay for food and drinks, open room doors, find fellow family members on the ship, and more. That more includes the shipwide gambling platform. Because it tracks your location, when you order food and drinks, they come to you.
Whether by land, air, or sea, there is a bit of tech for every traveler. With the right tech, your home is safer. Your documents are more secure. And your cruises are more luxurious than ever.