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The best techniques for efficient learning

6th May 2023 Print

The exam date is getting closer and closer - and yet the learner has the feeling that the learning material just doesn't want to anchor itself in his or her mind. In this scenario, it hardly makes sense to continue working through the material at random without any strategy. 

It is much more advisable to select a suitable learning technique and follow it in a disciplined manner. In this way, preparation for the next exam can be significantly improved and knowledge acquisition is also shown to be particularly sustainable. 

The best techniques for efficient learning are presented in the following article. 

The Loci Method

The so-called loci method is based on creating a connection between the learning material and familiar places. 

For example, if it is necessary to memorise a certain sequence, a corresponding route can be followed in the imagination. The places that are passed should then be provided with the relevant learning information. 

The ABC method

In the ABC method, the learning structure is determined by the alphabet. Each letter is assigned to a certain picture, which bears the corresponding initial letter. 

For example, when learning the French vocabulary word "arbre" for tree, the first letter to be thought of is A - which is then assigned the picture of a maple leaf. 

The repetition technique

One of the most traditional and important learning techniques is to repeat the material as often as possible. With each new pass, the knowledge manifests itself more strongly and is transferred bit by bit into the long-term memory. Incidentally, this is also particularly easy to do with this Free Blinkist alternative.

With every learning method, however, it is essential that the learning material is actually fully understood. It is therefore never just a matter of dull memorisation. Only when what has been learned can be comprehended, applied and interconnected without any problems has it been successfully stored in the long-term memory. From there, the learning content can be recalled at any time and also applied to other complex issues. 

The visualisation method

Many people also find it helpful to visualise the learning material. Each learning point can be associated with a specific image in the mind's eye. 

Mind maps or organograms are also very useful for visualisation. With these aids, the learning material can be put down on paper in a highly visual and thus very effective way. 

The index card technique

Another classic learning technique is the index card. This method is particularly recommended when learning definitions of terms. The term is written on the front of the card and the corresponding definition is written on the back. 

When learning with flashcards, a flashcard box also proves to be extremely practical. The flashcards whose contents have not yet been mastered too well can then be sorted into the box at the front. The cards - or the learning content - that are already firmly anchored in the memory belong in the back of the box. 

The mind map method

Especially if the learning content turns out to be more complex and difficult than average, a mind map can provide the desired breakthrough in learning.

The keyword or topic is written down in the middle. Many different sub-items then start from this in the form of branches. These branches also have further branches. In this way, it is possible to quickly gain an overview of even complex topics.