Brits use video to create 21st century wills
Writing a will, like going to the dentist or arranging your pension, is something most people in the UK put off. Indeed, almost 170,000 Britons die every year without a will, with tens of millions of pounds going straight to the government’s coffers in the form of property and savings.
But according to new research, when the time comes, nearly two thirds of people (63%) would like to create a video to explain their formal will and testament to loved ones and send messages and advice ‘beyond the grave’.
A similar number (70%) believe that a video address would avoid potential conflicts and family arguments following the reading of a formal will.
The research was commissioned by Remember a Charity, which believes that video wills may be a good way for people to explain their decision to leave a small gift to charity after looking after their family and friends.
There’s also hope that messages conveyed from beyond the grave would make an impact on those watching. 62% feel they would be more reassured of the choices made by their deceased family member after watching a video of them explaining their decisions. Around a third of Brits (31%) say they would also use a video will to give their children valuable advice for the future.
Whether the deceased is leaving their money to children, spouses or charity, which has increased by 9% in recent years, making a video is an effective method to reassure loved ones of your decisions, and also a heartfelt way to make a difference in people’s lives after you’re gone.
Stephen George, Chair of Remember A Charity says: “This research highlights a growing desire to leave personal messages for loved ones to support their legally binding wills and to explain the decisions we make to prevent conflict and arguments at such a difficult time. We would encourage people who are considering leaving a gift to charity in their will to explain their reasons to family and friends and this is a way they can do that.”
Remember A Charity is keen to find out more about video wills and their role in clarifying people’s final wishes. Alongside its partner Beautiful Memories, a legacy filming company, it has pledged to help five people create their own video will. Members of the public who are interested in this offer should email to find out more.
Remember A Charity was formed in 2000 and now has over 140 member charities, who work together to encourage more people to consider leaving a gift to charities in their will, after they have looked after their family and friends. Legacies (or gifts in wills) form the foundation of charities in the UK. Many charities depend on legacies, without them, they would not exist. The consortium is hosted by the Institute of Fundraising.
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