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Celebrity therapy: Cupping

27th July 2010 Print

Victoria Beckham was recently spotted with purple welt marks down her back after celebrating her 11th wedding anniversary in Nice, France. The result of an alien abduction? Not quite - these circular marks are from ‘cupping’ - an ancient Chinese detoxifying treatment.

Heated glass, plastic, or bamboo cups are placed directly on the skin and used to stimulate suction. A vacuum is created which draws up the area of skin covered. It is this pulling on the skin that causes:

- Tissues to release toxins
- Activate the lymphatic system
- Clear colon blockages
- Help clear veins and arteries
- Clear stretch marks
- Improve varicose veins

As cupping can affect up to four inches of tissue, it also makes this the most intense deep tissue massage available! Cups are usually placed over specific acupuncture points as these act as the flood gates to our energy flow. If these are unlocked, energy can run freely through the entire length of the body - great for a little therapeutic revival.

Mrs Beckham isn’t the only celeb fan of this acupuncture alternative however; Gwyneth Paltrow famously revealed the effects of cupping at a premiere in 2004, Scottish tennis star Andy Murray uses the treatment to stay on top form before and after matches, Britney Spears has recently stepped out with the tell-tale circular marks, and Jessica Simpson recently tweeted about cupping: “It’s about understanding my body … love it!”

The treatment has been used in China for over 3000 years, and supporters claim that in addition to treating localised aches and pains, it can also help with  respiratory problems by opening up the chest and lungs, benefit menstrual and digestive problems, and reduce cellulite! The circular purple bruises can last for up to a week (depending on whether you tend to bruise like a peach, or have the protection level of a rhino’s bottom), but the treatment itself is painless.

With this cupping craze taking off in a big way, why not jump on the bandwagon today? With 49 locations (24 in London) in the UK offering cupping, Wahanda can help you get celeb savvy and perfectly pampered in no time!

Wahanda has exclusive offers available for these spa’s, hotels, and holistic centres that you won’t find anywhere else in addition to Beauty and Spa Gift Vouchers, which are redeemable at over 500 destinations nationwide. What’s more, for every spa, salon, or gym review written, Wahanda will donate £1 to charity: water to continue supporting their great cause of bringing fresh water to communities.

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