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Bentley Motors opens its doors to future apprentices

15th March 2011 Print

Luxury car manufacturer Bentley Motors is holding an apprentice open day on Saturday 19th March from 9.00am to 1.00pm at its worldwide headquarters on Pyms Lane, Crewe, Cheshire.   All enthusiastic students are welcome to attend. Tickets are not required.

The latest Bentley – the new Continental GT – will be on display and visitors will have the opportunity to visit a special design exhibition “The Unbroken line”. This display allows visitors a glimpse inside the usually secret and closed world of the Bentley design studios and also a rare chance to view some of the finest Bentleys from over the past 90 years.  Anybody interested in joining the Bentley apprenticeship scheme will be able to meet with current apprentices who will be on hand to demonstrate some of the skills that they have acquired during their training. There will also be a film produced by the apprentices themselves which gives a flavour of their life at Bentley.  Bentley Academy staff will also be available to discuss the application process and explain how a Bentley apprenticeship scheme can be the start of an exciting and rewarding career in the industry.  Applications are open until 16th May and candidates should apply on-line at

Bentley is looking to recruit 20 apprentices in the following fields: Craft, Technical, Technician, Junior Engineer, Commercial and Business, all of whom will follow a two, three or four year course depending on the subject.  The 2011 apprenticeship programme will start in September and will be run in conjunction with local colleges so that apprentices can gain the relevant academic qualifications via a day release scheme that will compliment their work-based learning.

Christine Gaskell, Member of the Board for Personnel explains, “Our apprenticeship scheme has been recognised as one of the best at a national level and we are looking for enthusiastic students who relish a challenge and who will seize this opportunity to display their potential.”

Bentley’s dedication to skills training is amplified by their sponsorship of the “WorldSkills” competition being held at the ExCel in London from 5th to 8th October 2011.

Christine Gaskell explains “Our involvement with World Skills as a sponsor is a great opportunity for us to demonstrate our support of apprenticeships and on-the-job learning.  Our apprenticeship programme means that we retain key skills within the business which are essential for our future success.”

In addition to the sponsorship, Bentley has three craft and technical apprentices in the UK squad who are currently training in preparation for the final UK team selection competition that will take place in June.  The manufacturing team challenge tests a number of distinct skills including mechanical engineering design, computer aided machining and equipment assembly.

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