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Brits ditch New Year's resolutions

5th February 2013 Print

With ‘dry January' over for many and the second month of the New Year well under way, data from Quidco - the cashback and voucher site - reveals that Brits are struggling to stick to their New Year's Resolutions, well before the beginning of February.

Usually a month for healthy diets and new exercise regimes, last month saw a drastic drop in spend on gym memberships throughout the UK as would-be gym bunnies parted with 45% less cash in this sector versus last year.

What's more, fewer consumers have kicked off the year in pursuit of the body beautiful when it comes to healthy eating. Purchases made in the diet category in the first week of 2013 were down as Brits were more determined in the same period last year.

Data from Quidco reveals that great value cashback deals can help coax those struggling to commit to New Year's resolutions back on track. With cashback rates peaking in the diet category at £32 per purchase in the second week of January, 32% more shoppers were inspired to sign up to a healthier lifestyle.

Andy Oldham, Managing Director of Quidco, said: "With lighter wallets and fuller stomachs post-Christmas, sticking to a New Year's resolution can be a real struggle for many. However, it's great to see that brilliant value cashback rates can provide a much needed boost in incentivising shoppers to commit to a happier and healthier 2013."