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Recipes to brighten up your boxing day

8th December 2009 Print
Boxing Day Curried Turkey Salad

If you are unable to face the idea of another heavy meal on Boxing Day, why not take the lighter option and brighten up your Christmas leftovers with some Heinz Salad Cream?

Try using Heinz Salad Cream instead of butter in your turkey sandwich or jacket potato for a tasty, refreshing and light way to add moisture and flavour to your food. Alternatively, if you are feeling a little bit more inspired, why not try one of our great Heinz Salad Cream Boxing Day recipes like the one below. More are available from the Heinz Love Sauces website -

Heinz Salad Cream was the first Heinz product developed especially for British taste buds and it is a fantastic way of adding a creamy, tangy, zing to your food. What’s more, it contains 66% less fat than mayonnaise, making it the perfect choice for anyone looking for a bit of a break from the heavy Yuletide fare.


You will need:
- 3 tbsp Heinz Salad Cream
- 3 tbsp korma paste
- 1 tbsp mango chutney
- 2 tbsp natural yoghurt
- 1 corn on the cob
- Enough leftover turkey for 4 people
- Sunflower oil (for the griddle)
- 4 gem lettuces, outer leaves and stalks removed, and cut into quarters
- 150g cherry tomatoes, cut in half
- Fresh coriander to garnish

What to do:
Mix 1 tbsp korma paste with the Heinz Salad Cream, mango chutney and natural yoghurt, cover and chill until needed

Cook the corn on the cob in salted water for 10 minutes, cool and chill until required

Brush your turkey with the remaining korma paste and pop on to a hot, oiled griddle to add a great char-grilled taste

While cooking the turkey also finish cooking the corn on the cob on the griddle for about 5-10 minutes, turning every so often to char slightly

Slice the turkey, and stand the corn upright. Run a sharp knife down the side of the corn, removing the kernels

In a bowl, mix the turkey, with the corn, gem lettuce, tomatoes and the dressing and serve immediately garnished with fresh coriander

Tip: The korma salad cream dressing can also be used to accompany a prawn cocktail instead of using Marie Rose sauce

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Boxing Day Curried Turkey Salad