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Women’s unhealthy handbag habits revealed

13th April 2011 Print
Women’s unhealthy handbag habits revealed

The secrets of our love affair with handbags have been revealed. Women in the UK have an average of 6 handbags according to new research by California Almonds.

The average handbag and its contents are worth £108 and weighs in at a shocking 4lbs – that’s the equivalent of carrying around 4 bags of sugar!

Handbags have always had a dual role being the ultimate fashion accessory as well as a practical survival kit to get us through the day. 

Amongst the treasure trove of handbag goodies from make-up to jewellery to the latest must-have gadgets, there’s one essential that’s often missing – a healthy snack to boost energy levels and get busy women through even the most grueling days – and cope under the weight of those handbags!

When it comes to food, 54% of women carry snacks in their handbags. The ideal snack is convenient, tasty and packs a nutritional punch. Almonds are perfect for handbags, they’re portable, nutritious and utterly delicious, (and, even better, they won’t leave crumbs or melt inside your handbag.) A natural source of protein, high in 10 essential nutrients, including fibre, vitamin E and calcium, almonds have the most bone-building calcium of any tree nut and a handful will provide you with 60% of your daily requirement of vitamin E.

Nutritionist Juliette Kellow explains, “Healthy snacking is good for you and can help keep energy levels up and hunger pangs down. Choose a snack such as almonds that is tasty and satisfying - it will help you get through the day and avoid giving into the temptation and reaching for those unhealthy impulse snacks. Almonds fit perfectly in your handbag and are ideal for those of us with busy lifestyles.”

Top tips for carrying almonds in your handbag

- Pop a handful of almonds into a plastic sandwich bag ready for when hunger strikes
- Decant a daily handful of almonds into a mint tin or stylish container to coordinate with your handbag
- Add some creative crunch to your snack: Mix up flavour and crunch by dry roasting, toasting, coating or spicing your almonds. Visit for recipes

Handbag essentials

Dariela Roffe-Rackind from California Almonds says, “The research conducted by California Almonds shows just how much we love our handbags. While other luxuries take a hit in times of recession, one thing a girl just can’t do without is a selection of handbags to keep all those daily essentials. They are a day-to-day necessity, just as almonds are essential to healthy eating.”

Research revealed house keys top the list of handbag essentials followed by purse and phone. When it comes to food, it’s the after-snacking mints and chewing gum that top the list of handbag must-haves with healthy snacks not always being front of mind. With Brits snacking an average of 14 times a week** women need to get savvier with their snacking and carry a healthy snack in their handbag to avoid those guilty temptations.

Top 5 handbag essentials:

1. House keys
2. Purse
3. Phone
4. Pen
5. Make-up bag

Top 5 foods found in handbags:

1. Chewing gum
2. Mints
3. Fruit
4. Snacks for the children
5. Nuts such as almonds

Beautiful inside and out?

While beautiful handbags are a must-have for any fashionista, it seems that what’s inside is not so pretty. With women admitting to carrying everything from old biscuits to empty wrappers and even conkers in their handbags, it’s no wonder a third (33%) of us would be embarrassed if someone saw the contents of our bags and almost a quarter of us (23%) only organise our bags every 2-5 months.

Handbags in the regions

Scottish women top the list for owning the most handbags with an average of 7 each. Meanwhile Plymouth tops the list of cities where the average handbag and its contents are worth the most (£195), followed by Liverpool (£167) and London (£150). Belfast (£40), Glasgow (£48) and Brighton (£49) top the list at the other end of the spectrum.

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Women’s unhealthy handbag habits revealed