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86% of Brits have suffered from a gastrointestinal problem in the past year

86% of Brits have suffered from a gastrointestinal problem in the past year

Bloating, indigestion and heartburn – when it comes to tummy troubles it seems that the vast majority of UK consumers experience these ailments as new research from Mintel reveals that as many as 86% of all British adults have suffered some form of gastrointestinal (GI) problem or ailment in the last year.

What is hypnobirthing and how does it work?

Hypnobirthing is fast becoming a popular method of pain relief among pregnant women. More and more women have decided to join in on the pain-free revolution and learn simple but effective ways to help them relax and enjoy the labour experience.

Smart pill maker seeks FDA approval for new method of drug administration

Smart pill maker seeks FDA approval for new method of drug administration

A new intelligent medication sensor has been brought to market for use together with existing medications, by the company Proteus Digital Health.

Lack of awareness leading to complications

Lack of awareness leading to complications

A leading South West surgeon has warned that a lack of awareness when it comes to conditions of the veins, means that thousands of people in the region are going undiagnosed and untreated, leading to risks of deterioration and complications.

Health-obsessed Brits drain UK businesses by a staggering £1.1bn

Over half (58%) of health-obsessed Brits cover up symptoms from their doctors, confusing health professionals and take more sick days than the rest of the population (28%) – with health-obsessed Brits twice as likely to take sick days, resulting in additional days off and lost productivity for UK businesses.

Bristol lawyers lead talks on dying well

Bristol lawyers lead talks on dying well

Bristol law firm Clarke Willmott LLP led discussions on capacity and end of life care at a special event held in conjunction with Bristol University’s Centre for Ethics in Medicine.

How to encourage a relative to finally quit the habit

Muriel Froomberg celebrated her 107th birthday in February 2016, and breaks some of the hard rules of longevity - for example, she knocks back a bottle of whisky every week.

Why keeping your brain active later in life is important

We all know that it’s important to keep our bodies strong and healthy as we age. A good diet and a decent level of fitness means we’re less at risk of disease, illness and accidents – which means we can enjoy a longer and happier life doing what we like.

Health trends in 2016

Staying healthy is no longer just a case of eating well and occasionally going to the gym. In the 21st century, there are endless ways to stay healthy, whether you want to lose weight, tone up, or even bulk up.

Working up an unhealthy appetite

Working up an unhealthy appetite

Whilst achieving a good work life balance is a goal for many Brits, new research from Mintel reveals that Britain’s workforce is turning to unhealthy food and drink habits to combat workplace stress.

Just one in six Brits think of themselves as unhealthy

Just one in six Brits think of themselves as unhealthy

The New Year has just dawned but whilst many may be starting a ‘New Year, New Me’ diet, it seems that Brits are actually in the minority if they view themselves as unhealthy.

Understanding the importance of 'shelf life' evaluations for medical equipment

Manufacturers’ instructions are often confusing but the shelf life, or date of expiry, is always clearly marked on the packaging. This important information helps to assess the viability and the safety of a product.

Let there be Lumie!

Let there be Lumie!

Sunshine is clinically proven to make us happier, but is something often in short supply during a British winter (or summer for that matter).

World's cities facing health risk

Many of the world’s cities are being forced to confront the environmental crisis. It is essential for everyone to be aware of the problems that now surround us in our everyday lives, as well as the need to react to the changes involved.

Daily distractions are linked to a lower level of happiness

The daily distractions of modern life, particularly those from personal technology devices, have been found to be associated with a lower level of happiness by a new scientific study.