M&A advice from the experts at Mansartis led by Guillaume Jalenques de Labeau
As the Chairman and CEO of wealth management company Mansartis for more than twenty years, Guillaume Jalenques de Labeau understands what it takes to design and implement successful mergers and acquisitions. Mansartis has been managing mergers and acquisitions for multiple decades and boasts a solid track record of wealth management. When embarking on a merger or acquisition, it’s important to have advice from experts like this to ensure a smooth ride through what should be the door to a lucrative and productive future. From the merger of nonprofit institutions to the acquisition of multinational corporations, mergers and acquisitions require this kind of leadership, knowledge, collaboration and expertise to get it right. Here’s a little more advice from the experts.
Acquire the right kind of advice
Depending on what your situation is, your organization may require different kinds of advice. Buy-side advice includes guidance about analyzing the industry, assisting in the negotiations, coordinating due diligence, developing financial strategies, drafting purchase and sale agreements, and identifying and contacting possible targets. Sell-side advice includes counsel on important issues such as due diligence coordination, legal document and information memorandum documentation, negotiation assistance, potential buyer identification and valuation. With the right kind of advice and customized solutions to suit the needs of the proposed transaction and all the stakeholders involved, it’s possible to ensure the smoothest merger or acquisition possible.
Design an air-tight M&A structure
There are many different ways to structure mergers and acquisitions, and the right structure depends on many different factors involving the entities involved, the industry and the environment of the current market. A dedicated team of knowledgeable M&A professionals is best prepared to advise upon these issues. The right advisers should be known for commitment, discretion, honesty, professionalism, rigor and transparency. Knowledge stemming from international experience is preferable in the decision-making process where the M&A structure is designed. With an understanding of what works and what doesn’t, nonprofits and corporations alike are better prepared to succeed within the new organizational framework. Here are some of the most common M&A structuring options and considerations:
- Equity Structuring
- Financial Valuation
- Fund Raising
- LBO (Leveraged Buy Out)
- OBO (Owner Buy Out)
Get professional assistance and get it right
This can’t be stressed more – it takes more than a little help to get mergers and acquisitions right. This isn’t something you can just cut corners on. From entrepreneurs to groups to private equity firms, organizations rely on advisers and wealth managers to process their high-stakes transactions, and the stakes couldn’t be higher than merging or acquiring entire businesses. They should not only bring a solid understanding of how mergers and acquisitions work, but also specific knowledge of the constraints and considerations of the industry. A financial advisory firm with a long track record of M&A success and comprehensive understanding of the industries and stakes involved can guide you through the process from start to finish. If there’s one piece of M&A advice you take, make sure it’s to get a little help from the experts.