Bike Madrid Lisbon's project enlarges its size in 2015

Bike Madrid Lisbon's project enlarges its size in 2015. After four successful editions in mountain biking, in the fifth year of the project, is already possible to make this crossing on road bike.
This traverse is already established as one of the most spectacular mountain bike crossings, the Madrid Lisbon is a great epic adventure that connects Madrid to Lisbon by bicycle, traversing mountain ranges of the backbone of the Iberian Peninsula with over 1000 km of pure adventure and fulfilling moments that any cyclist aspires. Linking two European capitals by bike through untamed mountains are beyond the reach of many places in the globe.
Now that the Bike Madrid Lisbon gained new contours, since 2011 the successful crossing Madrid Lisbon in mountain bike, which was overcome by mountain bikers from all over the world, now is also possible in road bikes. So the big news of the 2015 edition is the same crossing of these mountains already traversed by mountain bike, but this time will also be conquered by cyclists on road bikes.
The introduction of this new variant increases the size of the project to new heights, bringing to all cyclists this epic journey, which has been described as "the" travel adventure of a lifetime. This new possibility of achieving this glorious link between capitals will be held in 8 days, 1020km, d+17200m and the emblematic climbs from the Vuelta and the Tour of Portugal. Surely this adventure is not accessible to all cyclists, but only to those who are able to overcome these hard barriers, and thus enter into the exclusive group of finishers from Bike Madrid Lisbon.
The Madrid Lisbon Mountain Bike is a challenge that has proven to be just within reach of experienced and well-trained cyclists. This is a great trip for the Iberian Mountains, in the best trails and looking for the best that these regions have to offer. With impressive numbers, as shown by the positive slope of 28000m, or 1200km in 15 days of traverse needed to fulfill this ultimate adventure!
This is one of the greatest mountain bike adventures in Europe! A journey, an adventure. Two countries, two capitals and 15 mountains separating them!
Dates for 2015 are already available and registration is already open – from June 13th to June 27thon Mountain Bike and July 11th to July 18th on Road Bike.
Registration is now open for both crossings and you can make a pre-booking to guarantee your place in these great adventures, since the organization placed a limit of 20 participants, you should reserve your place. With pre-booking you guarantee without any compromise the possibility to enroll with a benefiting of 10% discount until December 31st 2014.
For 2015 crossing the organization is offering 5 places with inscription with 20% discount for the first 5 riders to confirm! It is available now!
About Bike Madrid Lisbon: The organization is the responsibility of Portugal Nature Trails ( since 2011 and has the support of Tourism Board of Portugal, Tourism of the Spanish Extremadura and with the support of FOCUS, Shimano, Zip-Vit, Hutchinson, MET and Tangerina Bike.
For more information, visit