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5 ways that your posture may be causing you back pain

16th May 2018 Print

Back pain and other pains in your body are caused by many different things. Back pain is not something which should be taken lightly as left untreated it can cause some very serious issues. Studies by the NHS that say that back pain can be the leading cause of certain disabilities. One of the main reasons for back pain is to do with your posture and how you go about your daily activities. 

Flat Back

People who like to stand with a flat back can experience back pain. This means that you are tucking in your pelvis and you will stoop forward. If you spend a long time sitting down, you may find that you develop a flat back and you might find it difficult to stand for long periods of time. You can also be causing yourself to have neck and shoulder strain.

Leaning on One Leg

If you are used to standing for a long time, you may find yourself shifting your weight between your legs or maybe just leaning on one of them. This can place too much pressure on one side of your hip and lower back. This can cause muscular strain after a while and you are likely to develop muscular imbalances around your pelvis. 

Hunching Over

Working in an office or at a computer can cause hunching. This is often caused by spending a long time in the same position while you type or lean over looking at your phone. This can be a sign that your chest is quite tight and that your upper back is too weak. This can lead to a rounded upper back, leading to stiffness and shoulder pain. 

Poking Your Chin Out

This is something that not a lot of people think about when they are considering their posture and how they can improve it. People who poke their chin are often sat in front of a computer screen at the wrong height. This can be due to a number of problems with your desk set up as your screen could be too high as well as your chair being too low.

Solving More Serious Back Pain

If you have a lot of back pain, then you should make sure to get it checked out in case there is something more serious to do with your spine. The London based spine clinic Complex Spine are highly recommended, being the largest spinal surgery in the UK, and can help you with any problems that you are having. They are experts in their field and you are guaranteed to have the best spine surgeon London has to offer when you use a clinic like this one. 

Our Final Thoughts

If you correct your posture you are more likely to decrease the amount of back pain that you are enduring. For those of you who are having posture problems because of your set up at your desk, make sure to take a look at a guide that shows exactly how your desk should be laid out. Soon you’ll have better posture and less back pain!