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6 Best Web Development Frameworks for 2021

2nd November 2020 Print

The web and mobile applications market has become extremely competitive, presenting more functionality and faster platforms to solve users’ daily problems. App development forces companies to implement the latest technologies to keep up with the trends and remain competitive. Today, it is vital to create an application or software that is tech-driven to ensure that it won’t get outdated fast. Based on official StackOverflow statistics, JavaScript (67.8% of developers) has become the most demanded programming language for back end development, and iQuery (48.7%) has gained the most popularity as a commonly used framework. Now, let’s determine the best web development frameworks and define their pros and cons. 

Top Web Frameworks for Backend Development

Every web app has “behind the scenes” operations that ensure its functionality, meaning that all user activities on the platform go through the server-side. Let’s see which technologies guarantee proper backend functioning. 


Laravel contains a great number of packages that extend the app’s functionality. It is an open-source PHP framework that allows developers to create a clean and custom code using its MVC-based architecture model. Laravel developers for hire are the best option for implementing mail services integration, fast app performance, configuring errors, and handling exceptions. A significant number of startups begin their web app development with Laravel as it ensures quick time to market and highly-secured code to prevent malware, thus mitigating losses. 


A mature and popular framework Django has been written on Python coding language. It is a perfect decision for a company that deals with stiff deadlines and requires concise and readable code. Similar to the features of other frameworks, Django supports MVC (model-view-controller) to separate business goals from the app's user interface. The end product can be run on Linux, iOS, and Windows operating systems. One of its benefits is that it has numerous built-in security features, such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting, and others. 


While the above-mentioned frameworks for web development are widely used among experienced developers, Rails is recognized among beginners. Ruby allows a developer to easily change or add features to the already-written code even after its launch. It also has a considerable number of free plugins (gems), meaning that you can customize the application according to your business needs.

Web App Development Frameworks for Front End 

In the process of converting functional data into graphical, the front end is no less important than the backend. It ensures users’ interaction with the application or website, its navigation, and the page’s layout. Let’s take a closer look at top front-end web frameworks for 2021. 


Angular is one of the JavaScript frameworks that has a built TypeScript. This benefit allows programmers to detect errors in the process of development and eliminate quickly. Moreover, the CLI tool generated by the vast community of AngularJS specialists is used to create repeatable code blocks and incorporate such into the code. In line with that, Angular also has well-developed and already tested UI elements such as buttons, navigation templates, and form controls. 


Even though React is a library, most developers consider it a framework due to its reusable components that make the code flexible. Developers may build a big code by reusing and modifying those components. One of the most desired and admired features of React is Virtual DOM. Developers run the view changes on it, and this action is kept on the memory, not on the screen. After that, engineers detect which changes should be skipped and which ones should be transferred to the Real DOM. 


Besides being small in size and easy to learn, more than 15.2% of developers choose VueJS for its simple integration and constant upgrades that come with different toolings. These allow coders to create State Store, perform Unit Testing, Routing, and other activities within the code. Another core feature of this JavaScript framework is 2-way data binding that ensures a smooth connection of data updates with its view (UI). 


Last but not least, on the list is the Backbone development framework. It was developed explicitly for single-page applications. This technological tool contains more than 100 extensions and has different blocks, such as routes, models, views. Backbone is a preferred development library due to its incredibly small size, making the end product performance speed much faster.