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Handling your first criminal charge - 7 tips to help

28th July 2021 Print

Whether you’re being charged with your first or fourth criminal charge, it won’t be easy. To make things easier, we’ve discussed 7 tips to consider. 

Watch What You Say

You have the right to remain silent. If you are asked questions by law enforcement that you’re not comfortable with, it is alright to stay silent. Most people who are charged stay silent until their lawyers show up. This prevents them from saying something that would get them into further trouble. 

Be polite

Stay calm whenever you interact with the police officers. More importantly, don’t resist arrest. This could result in an added charge. 

Be polite to law enforcement while you’re at the station as well. You could get into even more trouble otherwise. 

Ask About the Charges

Do you not remember your exact charges? Do not be afraid to ask them be read to you again. You need to know what you’re being charged with to find the best lawyer. 


Let’s talk about the attorney that you’d be getting. Yes, attorneys can be expensive. However, the most experienced ones usually cost the most. If you’re lucky, a law firm may want to work with your pro-bono. They would do so if you’d bring in publicity. 

Stay Positive

Being arrested is not the end of the world. Remember that you are innocent until proven guilty. Moreover, you won’t have to prove that you are innocent in court. The prosecutor would try and build a case on why you’re guilty, and all you’d be doing is trying to creating a defense against it. You’ll be able to create the best defense by getting a hold of evidence as early as possible.  


Once someone has served time, they would wonder, how to remove a criminal record. Without the record, getting jobs would be easier. If you have an excellent lawyer, and verifiable witnesses to state how good your character is, you might be able to get an expungement. 

What were you charged with? If it was theft over and under 5K, the lawyer you get and the witnesses would play a major role in getting the record removed. But you might be charged with something more serious. This would make it harder to get the record removed. 

Be Prepared

The thought of going to court may seem daunting. However, you need to prepare for it as soon as you can. 

One of the main goals would be to create a list of witnesses. They would be able to prove your innocence. The chances of getting expert witnesses would be higher if you prepare early. A doctor or psychologist coming in would help your chances of winning. 

Being charged with a crime is not easy. The most important point to consider would be to watch what you say. You may say something that could be used against you. It would be smart to only speak when your attorney is around. Also, stay positive. You’re only guilty once the court has said so.