How to plan your financial goals with a financial expert

If you’re looking to achieve a successful financial outcome, it’s highly important that you plan your financial goals the right way.
This means: with a financial expert.
In this article, you’ll learn how you can effectively plan your financial goals with a modern wealth manager, and why this is crucial for your finances.
1. Discuss your financial situation
The first thing to do with your expert adviser is to discuss every aspect of your financial situation.
The more extensively your adviser understands your current circumstance, the more accurately they can assess your requirements and make the right recommendations for your finances.
It’s important to discuss things such as your income, financial dependants, outgoings, investor values, and much more. With all this information, your adviser will also be able to complete a full analysis of your income for you.
You can also discuss any challenges, questions or concerns you might have regarding your goals and financial future, so your adviser can offer unique support tailored to you and help restore your financial confidence.
This will give a clear picture of your financial circumstance to your adviser, and they can help you to begin building your goals off this point.
2. Create a detailed financial plan
Another important step when devising your financial goals is to incorporate them into a detailed financial plan.
Comprehensive financial planning is a core aspect of any financial journey, as it allows you to not only establish your goals effectively, but also outline the necessary steps you need to take to achieve them.
With your adviser’s help, you can set the right financial goals in your plan, both short and long-term, which could cover a wide range of scenarios:
- Growing your wealth effectively for retirement
- Improving your asset allocation
- Protecting your wealth when navigating a divorce
- Inheriting money as tax efficiently as possible
Your adviser will also make sure your goals, whilst being beneficial to growing your wealth, are also realistic in terms of your current financial situation.
With an extensive plan in place, you’ll be able to implement the right steps for reaching these goals efficiently.
3. Re-evaluate your investment approach
When planning your goals with your adviser, it’s also essential to review your investment approach and re-evaluate what structure is optimal for reaching your goals.
For a wide range of financial goals, optimising your investments is one of the best steps for achieving them.
For instance, if you’re planning for retirement, your adviser can help you make the right pension contributions to hit your targets successfully. This includes making the most of your tax allowances and sheltering as much of your pension savings from tax as possible.
Alternatively, you might be looking for the best ways to grow your wealth. Your adviser will help you find portfolios that offer the right balance of risk and potential reward, that suit both your future goals and current circumstance.
By optimising your investments, you can secure a higher chance of achieving each of your financial goals set.
4. Ensure you receive ongoing advice
When seeking a modern wealth manager, you should also ensure they offer ongoing financial advice, as this is crucial for your future goals.
There are various things which have can potentially impact how effectively you’re striving towards your goals.
This can include things such as tax changes, changes in the markets, as well as personal changes – such as career moves or additional dependants.
With ongoing advice, your adviser can ensure you navigate these impacts effectively and adjust your approach in the correct way to stay on target for your goals.
Also, if you should need to alter, or add any goals, this can also be assessed and implemented into your plan with regular reviews from your adviser.
If you want to establish the right financial goals for your future, why not consider the many benefits of obtaining a modern wealth manager in your process?
Please note, the value of your investments can go down as well as up.