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Demand increases for student rentals in Edinburgh

30th September 2008 Print
Demand for student rental properties in Edinburgh continues to increase at the beginning of the new term. With their student rentals being more popular than ever before, property investment, management and lettings specialist Cullen Property forecasts another year of stable growth in the sector.

Over 65% of all flats managed by Cullen Property are currently occupied by students. All of the company’s student leases run for 12 months, ensuring rental continuity and minimal void periods. This strategy has allowed the company to continuously achieve occupancy rates exceeding 99.5%, offering both investors and landlords more stability than other segments of the property rental market where shorter leases are the norm.

Cullen Property’s Managing Director Malcolm Warrack comments: “The market for student rentals has been virtually unaffected by the recent economic climate. As Edinburgh’s student population continues to grow each year, so will the opportunities for landlords and property investors over the coming five to seven years.

“We are always looking for new investors and landlords to meet the constant demand from students for high quality, well-managed properties in their preferred locations in Edinburgh.”

Since it was founded in 1998, Cullen Property has specialised in sourcing properties with optimum rental potential in the student market and has helped its investors build strong portfolios focussed on long term growth.

Cullen Property will be exhibiting at the Edinburgh Landlord Day at the Assembly Rooms on George Street on 28 October 2008.