A journey less ordinary with Scandinavian Airlines
Ever wondered where you find the best Martini in Scandinavia; what's the latest fashionable restaurant in Delhi; what the best morning, midday or evening experience is in Chicago; or where to get the best bargains in Tokyo? Or how about the best public transport route in New York; where to power lunch in Beijing or where to dine alone in Seattle?To find the best insider tips in its long-haul destinations, SAS Scandinavian Airlines sent local correspondents to check every corner, peer down every side street and look under every stone to update the 2009 version of its unique guidebook, Our World. Launched last year, Our World became a huge success worldwide and is now available in a brand new, fully updated version.
A sleek guidebook like no other, Our World offers its readers the chance to discover the true hidden gems that will make them feel like a local, not a tourist, in the destinations they visit. The guide also contains tips from the SAS crew, as well as from SAS International's CEO, Lars Sandahl Sørensen.
Our World covers all SAS long-haul destinations, as well as its Nordic hubs: Bangkok, Beijing, Chicago, Copenhagen, Delhi, Dubai, Helsinki, New York, Oslo, Seattle, Stockholm, Tokyo and Washington DC.
Our World is published by P&R Publishing on behalf of SAS. P&R Publishing also publishes the immensely popular SAS Crew Guides. It can be purchased for €15 from sasguides.com.