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bmi group flies high on punctuality

12th July 2007 Print
bmi and bmi regional were the UK’s most punctual airlines during the first quarter of 2007 according to CAA statistics. Figures show that bmi’s on time performance at its main hub of London Heathrow outstripped its rivals, with 80 per cent of flights on time and delays averaging just 10 minutes.

Competitors British Airways and Virgin Atlantic came 21st and 26th respectively in the list of 30 airlines operating from the airport.

In the UK overall bmi regional maintained its position as number one for on-time performance with 92 per cent of flights on time and average delays of six minutes. bmi was third overall with 80 per cent of flights on time and average delays of just under ten minutes.

bmibaby, the low cost arm of bmi, came second in the low cost sector, with 79 per cent of flights on time and average delays of 12 minutes.

Nigel Turner, chief executive officer of the bmi group, said: “We know from extensive research that punctuality is of paramount importance to our passengers, particularly those travelling for business purposes. We have responded by making it a mainstay of our customer proposition through the current ‘bmitime’ promotion as well as it being one of the foundations of our standard operating procedures.

“Every member of staff, both on the ground and in flight, knows that, after security, punctuality lies at the core of our ongoing success and it is extremely rewarding to see such impressive results being achieved and maintained.”

CAA punctuality statistics are compiled and analysed by on a quarterly and annual basis. For further information visit