Air France KLM rewarded for environmental strategy
On 12 July in London, Air France-KLM was honoured by Airline Business in the Environment category of the Airline Strategy Awards. The Group’s strategy, which places the environment at the heart of its concerns and development, received the award.The jury praised the quality of the Group’s communication on the subject of sustainable development and its participation in programmes to improve air traffic management and the compensation of CO2 emissions.
The criteria used for judging in the Environment category of the Airline Strategy Awards are the following:
• definition and implementation of a global environmental strategy;
• definition, development and implementation of measures giving rise to beneficial effects on the environment;
• participation, within the airline industry, in research programmes to find new technology or operational procedures to reduce the carbon footprint, such as alternative biofuels or ways to improve air traffic management.
The Airline Strategy Awards, held once a year, reward companies for their contribution to the air transport industry in various categories, including the environment.
“For Air France-KLM, the Airline Strategy Awards recognize the daily commitment of its entire staff to reduce the Group’s impact on the environment. This award encourages us to continue our efforts in this domain”, declared Yan Ernst de Groot, Managing Director KLM.
Since 2005, Air France-KLM, has been named leading airline by the two indicators “Dow Jones Sustainability Index” - DJSI World and DJSI STOXX and was named “Super Sector Leader” in 2008 in the wider travel and leisure sector. The Air France-KLM Group is also included in the extra-financial indicators Aspi Eurozone, Ethibel Sustainabilty Index (ESI) Excellence Global and FTSE4Good Index Series. For the third year running, Air France-KLM is the only airline in the list of “Global 100” companies, which includes the world’s top one hundred companies committed to sustainable development.