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14 million UK motorists feel ripped off by their garage

11th February 2010 Print

According to research by Motor Codes, which operates the UK’s largest consumer code for motorists, over 14 million motorists feel short changed by their local service and repair garage. To help consumers feel more secure and allow reputable garage owners to gain the respect they deserve, Motor Codes has today launched a national competition – Golden Garages – in search of the UK’s best local service and repair centres.

Almost half of UK motorists (45%) feel they have been ripped off by garages totalling an approximate 14,063,614 motorists.

Out of pocket: Across the UK, motorists feel out of pocket to the tune of an estimated £2.4 billion.

Young drivers hit hardest: 41% of 16-24 year olds feel ripped off by local garages on anything between £51 - £150 (compared to 31% of 25-34 year olds).

Golden Oldies: Nearly two thirds of over 55s are satisfied with their local garage.

Small change: Over a quarter of motorists who feel ripped off by garages think they've lost out by between £51 and £150.

Backfiring bills: 5% of motorists felt they had been ripped off on amounts higher than £300. Those who felt more than £500 out of pocket claimed to be on average £1,408 worse off following their latest service.

The East feels the pinch the most:  Motorists in the East of England felt the most ripped off between £51 - 150, with a third claiming to have been short changed, compared to just 17% of motorists in Northern Ireland.

The Motor Codes survey of 1,194 motorists across the UK reveals the high levels of dissatisfaction among drivers taking their car for repair. With just under half of the population feeling hard done by, and an estimated £2.4 billion being lost, the need for a scheme which gives the consumer confidence is undeniable.

“The service and repair sector historically has a bad reputation when it comes to cost,” said Chris Mason, Motor Codes director. “Despite there being many very good UK garages, the public’s bad experiences with some has brought about a lack of trust. There are over 6,200 garages that subscribe to Motor Codes across the country and these businesses buck the disappointed motorist trend.  Customer surveys show an industry leading 91%4 satisfaction rate from customers visiting Motor Codes garages, we’d like every motorist to feel this satisfied.”

Motor Codes operates a self regulatory code of practice for garages across the country ensuring that motorists receive consistently high standards of service.  Supported by consumer groups and government, including the Department for Transport, Motor Codes will raise standards across the industry and the Golden Garages competition will play an important part in this process. 

Public and all garages can follow the competition on the Golden Garages micro site ( as well as on Twitter at