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4x4 rally heroes prepared for success

30th July 2010 Print
Rally heroes

Placed third in the Military Class of the recently held ‘Help for Heroes’ 4x4 European Rally was the Team Green Howard SWB Land Rover 90, driven by Captain Ed Pawsey and navigator James Kelly, with assistance from Will Pawsey, Captain Pawsey’s brother.

Their third place was a considerable achievement on this arduous 2,000 mile, 10-day rally, as they were not only competing against some extremely competitive machines in their class but were up against a total entry of over 45 serious off-road event teams.

However, Captain Pawsey has friends in high places in the world of off-road rallying – namely Qt Services of Liskeard, Cornwall. Once Qt heard how the rally was to raise funds for the Help for Heroes charity, they decided that Captain Pawsey’s 90 should be readied for battle and so they offered to prepare it at their cost.

“When I spoke to Qt for assistance, I suppose I was expecting some financial contribution but had no idea they would launch themselves into the project with such gusto,” said Captain Pawsey. “They gave us an exceptionally reliable vehicle and our third place was considerably better than we had hoped for.”

Qt Services fully serviced and rally prepared the Land Rover, including fitting it with front and rear diff guards and light pod. Dave Marsh, boss of Qt Services was enthusiastic about the rally, and personally oversaw the work. “Opportunities like this don’t come along every day and we saw this as a chance for us to support this great charity. Captain Pawsey’s 90 was given the fine toothcomb treatment and we managed to get the right combination of performance and reliability. This balance was essential as we were not going to be able to follow the rally as backup support.”

The Help for Heroes 4X4 Rally was a great success overall, to date raising in excess of £111,000 for the Headley Court Defence Medical Rehabilitation Centre.

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Rally heroes