Real savings for first time buyers in Little Stanion

First time buyers in Corby can discover all they need to know about HomeBuy Direct at a special event organised by Lagan Homes.
On January 22nd and 23rd visitors to Long Meadow Walk in Little Stanion will be able to speak to the experts and find out how they could buy a brand new home for 70% of the price.
Sue Blackman, sales director of Lagan Homes, says: “We’re the only developer in Little Stanion offering HomeBuy Direct but due to limited Government funding it’s only available for homes built and occupied by the end of March. There’s a lot to think about when buying a home so we’re holding an open weekend and inviting independent financial advisers and solicitors to guide buyers through the application process.”
To buy a two bedroom home at Long Meadow Walk for sale on the open market at £119,950 HomeBuy Direct customers with a 5% deposit of £4,200 would only need to apply for a mortgage of £79,765*. According to financial adviser Will Walsh of More Choice Mortgage Centre, home owners could find their monthly mortgage repayments are less than they would pay in rent for an equivalent property.
The remaining 30% is funded jointly by Lagan Homes and the Homes & Communities Agency, is interest free for five years and can be paid back when the home owner has more money available or decides to sell their home.
As well as first time buyers, HomeBuy Direct can be used in some circumstances to help key workers, those coming out of a relationship breakdown and having to start all over again and maybe even families who can prove that they need the extra space. For example it could help second time buyers who have a housing need or those who are on a waiting list for a council home. To be eligible for the scheme customers must have a household income of less than £60,000.
It means that a four-bedroom Caldicott style family home, complete with en-suite, could be purchased for an initial outlay of £125,965 instead of the full market price of £179,950.
Homes at Long Meadow enjoy all the energy efficient, easy maintenance benefits of being brand new, as well as featuring well-equipped kitchens and stylish bathroom suites and fittings, all finished to Lagan’s high quality standards. The exceptional finish and specification can be viewed in a fully furnished five-bedroom show home, which is open daily from 10am to 5pm.
The new community of Little Stanion is situated alongside the A43 to the south east of Corby and includes meadows, ponds, playing fields and village greens, plus plans for a new primary school and village shops. It is next to the picturesque village of Stanion with its 13th century church tower and falls within the catchment area of the prestigious Corby Business Academy, which opened in 2008.
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