Northern Rock launches new instant access account
Northern Rock continues to help children save for their future with a new issue of its Little Rock Instant Access account.
The new Little Rock Instant Access Account offers a competitive rate of interest for a minimum deposit of only £1. Every ‘little rocker’ who opens an account will receive a choice of free gifts. The account can be opened through Northern Rock’s branch network and postal applications by post.
The Little Rock Instant Access is available to customers aged under 16, with an appropriate adult named on the account as trustee. It is one account per child and trustee this allows parents and grandparents to have separate accounts for the same child.
The account offers 3.00% gross pa/AER, with interest paid annually on 31 July. This will be added to the account.
The Little Rock Instant Access Account can be opened by cash, cheque or by transfer. The account has a maximum balance limit of £10,000, and withdrawals are permitted and are charge free.
For further information, visit