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Teach your old do new tricks

11th December 2011 Print

Take daily supplements from Nanogen to give you glossy hair and the confidence to try a new look!

A long skimming fringe, messed up do or chic bob – whatever your hairstyle ambition, Intervention from hair experts Nanogen can help any woman achieve their dream style by boosting healthy hair growth.

Crisp days, central heating, and hair-drying after the rain all leave hair damaged, dull and lifeless. A white Christmas may be romantic but it plays hell with hair! With Intervention, hair that grows slowly in the winter months is given a boost. Just two tablets daily maintain growth and revive life, strength and shine – they even reduce split ends.

The scientifically formulated supplements are tailored specifically for women’s nutritional needs. Developed to help even thinning hair, Intervention is a unique combination of natural plant extracts, vitamins and minerals, all in their bioavailable form so they go straight to work.

The easiest resolution you’ll ever make - just a supplement and a stylist!

RRP - £39.95 for one month’s supply.

For further information, visit