Competitive new landlord mortgage range from Skipton
Skipton Building Society has launched a competitive new suite of products for property investors.
The range of 2, 3 and 5 year fixed rate buy-to-let products boasts reduced rates and fees - as well as greater flexibility around fee choices.
Skipton's Head of Products, Kris Brewster, said: "We recognise that landlords play a vital role in bringing competition and vitality to the struggling mortgage market - as well as providing private letting options for the first time buyers of the future.
"That's why we've worked hard to cater for their needs with a competitive and varied range of product options since re-entering this market a year ago.
"We're constantly listening to customer feedback and these latest products reflect some of the features they've said they want, including a choice of fee arrangements - as well as even more competitive rates.
"We're also giving people more flexibility around their choice of product term - with the same rate applicable to the 2 and 3 year products, in return for a slightly higher fee for the longer term option."
Anyone wishing to find out more about our new mortgage range can visit the Society's website at
Key Product Details
2 Year Fixed Rate to 70% LTV
Interest rate: 3.89% (was 4.09%);
Fixed until: 30 April 2014;
Application fee: £245, completion fee £2,250;
Early repayment charge: 4% of capital repaid and interest to the end of the month.
2 Year Fixed Rate to 70% LTV (low fee option)
Interest rate: 4.29% (was 4.39%);
Fixed until: 30 April 2014;
Application fee: £245, completion fee £750 (was £995);
Early repayment charge 4% of capital repaid plus interest to the end of the month.
3 Year Fixed Rate to 70% LTV
Interest rate: 4.29% (new to range);
Fixed until 30 April 2015;
Application fee: £245, completion fee £1050;
Early repayment charge: 4% of capital repaid plus interest to the end of the month.
5 Year Fixed Rate to 70% LTV
Interest rate: 4.59% (new to range);
Fixed until 30 April 2017;
Application fee: £245, completion fee £2,250;
Early repayment charge: 5, 4, 3% of capital repaid plus interest to the end of the month.
5 Year Fixed Rate to 70% (percentage fee option)
Interest rate: 4.89% (no change)
Fixed until 30 April 2017;
Application fee: £0, completion fee 2%.
Criteria applicable to all of the above products
Revert to Bank Base Rate plus 4.45% (currently 4.95%);
Overpayments of up to 10% per annum allowed without penalty;
Free legals and valuations available for remortgages.
These new products are available through the Society's Skipton Direct customer service centre, branches and all intermediaries.