Barts hosts the world’s smallest ever Easter egg hunt
Speakeasy bar Barts is one of West London’s best kept secrets. Notoriously hard to find, once there people often find it very hard to leave. This Easter Sunday Barts will raise the level of secrecy yet another notch, with an egg hunt that will leave participants searching not only for the bar but for hidden eggs, some with prizes hidden inside.
Barts is well loved for its small and perfectly formed size, and eggs will be hidden in the miniature garden outside, as well as in key positions within its eclectic interior. It may seem easy but The World’s Smallest Ever Egg Hunt will still have its challenges, is there an egg lurking in the cuckoo clocks, behind the Mona Lisa or in one of Barts signature teapots?
Lucky egg hunt winners will be able to count their chickens before they’ve hatched as Barts bar staff will be attired in chicken costumes, with an Easter Bunny manning the door. Throughout the entire holiday weekend guests can enjoy truly egg-cellent cocktails including the new Laurel and Hardy sharing cocktail (what’s in this?) and spring-themed cocktails such as The Mad Hatter, a blend of spiced berries, apple juice and Russian Standard vodka served in a top hat that even The White Rabbit would be proud of.
Barts is a quirky 'speak easy' style bar on prestigious Sloane Avenue in the heart of Chelsea. It is the brainchild of Duncan Stirling and Charlie Gilkes, the dynamic duo who also own the highly successful 80’s themed nightclub, Maggie’s. They launched Bunga Bunga, an Englishman's Italian, Bar, Pizzeria and Karaoke in Battersea last autumn to widespread acclaim.
Don’t Chicken Out this Easter at Barts.
The World’s Smallest Easter Egg Hunt at Barts
Sunday 8th April 6pm-late
For more information, visit