Persimmon reveal plans to invest £50 million in Warwick
The country’s leading housebuilder has revealed a £50 million plan to build much needed new homes in the village of Bishops Tachbrook after successfully finalising a land deal.
Persimmon Homes South Midlands says it wants to build 280 new homes at the 27 acre site located on the corner of Hanbury Lane and Tachbrook Road.
The anticipated investment from Persimmon of £50 million will transform the existing arable land and create in the region of 280 of the 6,400 new homes that Warwick District Council has been tasked with providing between now and 2029 as part of the Local Plan.
Subject to final planning approval initial works at the site will include a new access route off Tachbrook Road, with further emergency access off Hanbury Lane.
Andy Peters, managing director of Persimmon Homes South Midland’s, said: “This is an exciting development for Bishops Tachbrook that will not only provide much needed new homes it will also breathe economic life into the village and lay the foundations for a thriving new community.
“Our plans include homes to suit a range of buyers, from those looking to get on the property ladder for the first time to families seeking more space as they grow.”
Persimmon Homes South Midlands purchased the land last week with outline planning permission for the 280 new homes and are working toward the submission of further planning documentation to achieve final planning approval from Warwick District Council’s planning committee in the next couple of months.
For information on Persimmon Homes current developments, visit