Peugeot stars in new reality show ‘Dashboard Diaries’

If you’ve ever wondered what kind of things the interior of your car sees every day of its life, Peugeot can provide something of the answer. Dashboard Diaries is a series of short films that are being broadcast across Peugeot’s various internet channels for three weeks starting on Wednesday, 26th November.
Dashboard Diaries is an amusing, sometimes hilarious and occasionally moving portrayal of ordinary life for three British families. Each was loaned a Peugeot 308 for three weeks on one condition: their every embarrassment, conversation, cross word, wrong turn and unforeseen occurrence would be captured on in-car cameras.
The result is a series of 30 to 60-second films that have been designed to show people having real-life experiences at the wheel of the Peugeot 308 – in an engaging and ultimately entertaining way. A new short film is being shown every day for the duration of the campaign, viewable at:
The three families – headed up by Keighan, Chris & Daniel - are from Nottingham, Leicester and Brighton and were selected for their engaging character and potential ‘star quality’. #DashboardDiaries is a fly on the windscreen series following their times while in the new Peugeot 308. Chris Price, 26, from Leicester has a four-year-old daughter Lily, and has already had more than 2.5m YouTube views for their in-car singing of the hit ‘Let it Go’ from the Disney movie Frozen. Morgan Lecoupeur, Marketing Director at Peugeot UK revealed “How viewers will relate to the characters is what will make these films special and the variety of situations we’ve captured make for addictive viewing. The casting was crucial. The characters must be equally compelling.”
Another compelling point is the stage the films play out on – or rather in. Ever since it was voted 2014 European Car of the Year, the Peugeot 308 has been accustomed to taking a starring role. But Dashboard Diaries shows how it’s an accomplished support act too. “The New 308’s versatility means it’s ready for whatever daily life throws at it. Who better to demonstrate its styling, durability, functions and features than real UK families?”
Morgan continued: “Our aim with Dashboard Diaries was to showcase our 308 as Car of the Year in a far more tangible way than a traditional car advert ever could.
“The idea was conceived to capture the public’s imagination and tell the story of the award-winning 308 through the eyes of the people who drive it and more than 100 hours of raw footage were amassed. Editing was a manual process, watching it through in order to pick out the gems that went into the final films. It’s a very simple idea; it’s very easy to film; and it’s the kind of thing everyone can take part in. We’re hoping that by using #DashboardDiaries people will engage with it and show their own clips too.”