Hotel prices drop to lowest in four years

This month, hotel prices in key European cities have fallen to their lowest in the past four years, according to the trivago Hotel Price Index (tHPI).
Rome, Berlin, Barcelona and Edinburgh at lowest in four years
Out of the 50 most popular European cities on trivago, 21 are at a record low, according to data collected since January 2011. These include numerous capital cities and destinations popular among UK travellers, such as Rome (a hotel stay will cost an average of £78 per night this month), Berlin (£68), Barcelona (£72), Edinburgh (£82), Stockholm (£106), Copenhagen (£101) and Oslo (£108).
Savings of up to 60% available this month
While some destinations boast their lowest hotel prices in four years, many more boast the lowest in the past 12 months. When prices this month are compared to the most expensive month during 2014, savings of up to 60 per cent are available.
Further decreases of up to 27% MOM and 21% YOY
Hotel prices have also decreased both month-on-month and year-on-year, which could suggest a general trend of falling hotel prices. Based on the top 50 European destinations on trivago, one night will cost an average of £80 this month, compared to £85 in December (7 per cent decrease) and £83 in January 2014 (5 per cent decrease).
The largest month-on-month decreases can be found in Dresden (down 27 per cent to £61), Prague (down 20 per cent to £65), London (down 18 per cent to £141), Vienna (down 17 per cent to £86) and Edinburgh (down 16 per cent to £82).
The largest year-on-year decreases can be found in Riga (down 21 per cent to £60), Warsaw (down 16 per cent to £42), Bucharest (also down 16 per cent to £49), Cologne (down 15 per cent to £95) and Prague (down 14 per cent to £65).
Denise Bartlett, UK Public Relations: “January is always a cheap month for European hotel stays, with temperatures at their lowest in many locations and prices falling after the Christmas and New Year period. However, with both year-on-year decreases and many destinations at their lowest in four years, a general trend of falling hotel prices is extremely likely.
Large savings can be made by travelling this month – some of the destinations at their lowest since January 2011 are typically among the most expensive in Europe (Stockholm, Copenhagen and Oslo, for example). Venice is consistently the most expensive city in Europe, but this month a hotel will cost just £97 (compared to £231 during May 2014). Prague is also worth mentioning – with hotel prices down 20 per cent compared to last month and 14 per cent compared to last year, now is the prime time to visit.”