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Western power relies on Ford

2nd May 2008 Print
Western Power Distribution has renewed its contract with Ford to supply all its light commercial vehicles and small business cars. The new agreement is for two years, with an option to extend.

The electricity distribution company for South-West England and South and West Wales, based in Bristol, runs 600 diesel-powered Ford Transit T300s and T350s, Transit Connects and Rangers, as well as Ford Focus hatchbacks.

WPD delivers electricity to 2.5 million customers over a 10,000 square mile area. Its technicians use Ford vehicles, which are purchased outright, for construction and maintenance of its large network.

“We’re very pleased with the vehicles,” said WPD’s Fleet Manager John Brooks. “They’re reliable, and delivery and service from the main dealer is very good. The drivers are happy too – it’s an all-round good-quality product.”

The fleet of Ford commercial vehicles is supplied to a standard specification, with an additional choice of racking for tools and equipment and ladder racks. The Ford Transits are mainly van-bodied, though WPD also operates a number of pick-ups with tail lifts.

The Ford Rangers provide additional flexibility to the fleet. “With their off-road capability, load capacity and ability to take ladders, they’re good all-rounders that we can use for towing,” said Mr Brooks.

Western Power Distribution is currently developing a plastic rear box section, as an alternative to the existing SVP glass fibre bodies, that can be transferred readily between Ranger pick-ups.

The company is likely to replace some 200 Transits, Transit Connects and Rangers over the next two years. WPD runs its commercial vehicles on various replacement cycles, to a maximum of 130,000 miles.

“Replacement is not dependent on mileage so much as on time,” said John. “A Transit Connect is likely to be replaced after five years, and a Transit or Ranger could be running for as long as seven.”