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Save on your energy bills this winter

18th February 2020 Print

In the UK alone almost £1,254 per year is spent on energy bills, according to Ofcom’s recent findings. With this in mind, it is more important than ever to learn how to become more energy efficient.  

Using your home energy more efficiently is a great way to reduce the amount of CO2 emissions you create, especially since now people are becoming more aware of the impact they have on the environment. For those keen to drive down the price of their energy bills and cut carbon this winter, adopting a few easy-to-follow steps could result in significant savings. LPG provider, Flogas, offer some practical advice on how to become more energy efficient this winter and explore how the LPG price of LPG appliances may help you save on your bills. 

Dealing with droughts effectively  

Anything from a draughty window, floor or door can contribute to energy wastage in the home. Although they might seem small, gaps and cracks have the potential to let out a large amount of heat, while allowing cold air in — impacting on your bills unnecessarily. One way to tackle this is by installing draught excluders on your doors and windows. Even keyholes and cat flaps can make a big difference, so try to keep them covered where you can. Alternatively, sealants, insulating strips and even rolled up newspaper can go a long way to ensuring heat stays in your home. Finally, double-glazing is extremely effective at keeping your home well insulated. Whilst installation can be costly, it’s a definite way to save on heating bills. 

Heat your home in a smart way  

To help us meet targets of decreasing our energy bills, new technology is by our side. Devices such as smart thermostats can go a long way to reducing heating bills by allowing greater control. As well as giving you the option to heat specific rooms, smart thermostats have the capabilities to learn your home heating habits – allowing you to consistently maintain the right temperature at the right time of day. Latest innovations, such as handy apps, have been designed to make smart technology even more convenient. If used correctly, it’s estimated that they could save households around £150 a year.  

Invest more in efficient appliances 

Investing in new highly efficient energy products is recommended, especially when your old appliances need replacing. Whilst it may cost more initially, the long-term payoff will help reduce your bills. Look out for products that score an A+ and above. An A+++ fridge for example, could save you around £190 over ten tears when compared to an A+ model.  

Switching off vs Standby mode  

Leaving house appliances on standby mode when not in use is not entirely energy efficient, instead it is more beneficial for you to turn them off completely. TVs, laptops and mobile phone chargers are still switched on even when they’re on standby, which means they’re using energy unnecessarily. According to the Energy Saving Trust, you could save around £30 a year just by switching off appliances properly, whilst households with more gadgets could save between £50 and £80. 

Home insulation is important   

Large sums of money can be saved on heating bills when investing in the right insulation. In fact, it’s estimated that a quarter of all heat from your home could be lost through your roof if proper insulation isn’t in place.  Insulation grants are offered as part of the Government’s Energy Company Obligation Scheme, so insulating your home could be easier than you think. Alternatively, smaller ‘quick fixes’ can also help – foam tubes that cover your pipes can keep your water warmer for longer and cost just a few pounds. You can also use a ‘lagging jacket’ which fits over your boiler and helps retain heat. At around £10, they’re a cost-effective way to prevent you from using extra energy to reheat water.

Washing your clothes energy efficiently  

Turning down the temperature you wash your clothes on can be a great cost-effective way to save money. Simply turning the temperature down from 40 to 30 degrees can be up to a third cheaper. Over the space of the year it could add up to a saving of £52.  An occasional ‘hot’ wash is still a good idea though as it helps to ensure the washing machine is kept clean.

Comparing energy costs  

Switching energy providers and comparing the cost of your utility bills before and after can help you save hundreds of pounds in the long-term. Remember, it’s not just the Big Six that offer competitive deals, switching to a smaller energy supplier could also mean a reduction in bills. It’s estimated that 62% of bill payers didn’t switch last year, so don’t miss out on a cheaper tariff. 

For those living off the mains grid 

Keeping bills to a minimum, especially when living away from the mains grid, is highly recommended. This can be done by switching from more traditional off-grid fuels like oil to a cleaner, greener alternative, such as LPG (liquefied petroleum gas). As well as the LPG price potentially being lower, it also has the lowest carbon footprint of any off-grid fossil fuel, LPG and the is better for the environment and it’s cost-effective.  Its abundance of supply also makes it reliable, so you never need to worry about running out.