Quest Bulgaria goes into cyber-space
After months of research, Quest Bulgaria has gone into cyber-space and gone on-line, winning huge recognition.It’s the ultimate one-stop shop window for anyone wanting to buy a property in Bulgaria, learn about the culture or even speak the language.
With over 60% of their 9,000 readers a massive 98% demanded the change and only 2% wanted the magazine to carry on with the printed version.
So, from today (August 19), Quest Bulgaria has gone on-line – the July edition was the last printed version – with all the usual stories in English plus translations into French and Russian carried out by proper translators.
“Now is the time to buy in Bulgaria,” said Quest Bulgaria managing director Chris Goodall, “so the time is ripe – as our research over many months shows among advertisers and readers alike – for this excellent on-line magazine.
“For anyone looking for property in Bulgaria this is the ultimate resource. No other on-line site comes anywhere near what we are offering.”
The internet site can be found at and is up-dated on a daily basis, so providing up-to-the-minute news of what is happening in the Bulgarian property market.
On the site there is a minimum of 160 active articles available free of charge. For members more is available. It is specifically geared to those seeking information and advice of a very high quality.
Free to visitors, there is also be a special paid-for members’ area with a full searchable archive of articles, a complete language course, competitions and extra members’ discounts on products and services across the country.
A spokesman for Address Real Estate, said: “With their years of experience of living, working and publishing in Bulgaria, the presentation and quality of information presented by the Quest Bulgaria team on their new site is of great importance.
“This is not just another property lifestyle site but a truly significant opportunity for everyone interested in property matters in Bulgaria. Good luck to them."
And Stephane Lambert of Stara Planina Properties said: "Quest Bulgaria has always delivered us focused leads and further development of the on-line services will ultimately deliver us much, much more of the same excellence".
"With all this good information available, written independently and much of it by professionals in their field, no property buyer or owner should go wrong if they use the Quest Bulgaria magazine site," added Asja Mandjukova, of the GPNG law company in Sofia.
The move online and the advice and information on the site is very much in tune with what Meglena Kuneva, European Commissioner for Consumers said. “Our Citizen's Agenda, which seeks to deliver an open and fully functioning single market that brings tangible benefits for consumers.”
There has been a storm recently in the media about buyers of Bulgarian homes being ‘ripped-off’ with the whole buying process a nightmare.
“But that is not our experience,” added Mr Goodall.
“Spain was once tagged the ‘Costa del Crime’ years ago but we have done our own opinion poll about Bulgaria, with only 3.7% of people buying over here saying the experience was beset by problems,” he added.
Property prices have stabilised in Bulgaria as the magazine points out. Vendors are asking far more realistic prices and some properties are selling within days of going on the market.
But this will change and there will be a surge in the property market as European Union funds reach the country and the infrastructure improves.
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