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Brits ride into moped misery on foreign roads

17th July 2008 Print
With tourists three times more likely to be involved in road accidents than locals, the Foreign Office is targeting mopeds as part of ‘Steer Clear of Trouble’ campaign. Over three quarters of Brits (82%) who have hired mopeds on holiday have put their own and others’ safety at risk, according to new figures released today by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO).

The research reveals a shocking catalogue of risks being taken by the thousands of British holidaymakers who hire mopeds on holiday, with over half (57%) having ridden without wearing a helmet, more than one in 10 admitting to riding whilst drunk and over a third (35%) not having checked that their travel insurance covered them to ride the bike.

The FCO statistics clearly show how Britons’ risky behaviour translates into accidents, some of which can be fatal. Of those surveyed, one in ten had been involved in a moped accident. Fifteen per cent knew someone who had been injured on a moped and, tragically, 5% knew someone who had been killed in a moped crash.

Shilpa Caldeira, Consular Head in Goa, said: “In Goa we frequently see cases where a British tourist has decided to hire a moped on holiday having never ridden one before. This is never a good idea because as well as learning to ride the bike, they must also contend with local drivers on roads which are far busier and less predictable than those in the UK. Anyone who does decide to hire a moped or motorbike should double-check their insurance, and always wear a helmet and appropriate clothing. We have come across many cases where someone is riding a bike in only swimwear, and even a couple who were not wearing helmets because they were worried about ruining their hairstyles.”

The FCO is urging holiday makers heading abroad to visit for tips and advice on driving and road safety abroad. Travel advice by country, which includes specific information on road travel and safety, can also be found on the website.